Home » Highlight the key points, grasp the key points and gather strong synergy for high-quality development – the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference triggered enthusiastic responses_News Channel_CCTV.com (cctv.com)

Highlight the key points, grasp the key points and gather strong synergy for high-quality development – the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference triggered enthusiastic responses_News Channel_CCTV.com (cctv.com)

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Highlight the key points, grasp the key points and gather strong synergy for high-quality development – the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference triggered enthusiastic responses_News Channel_CCTV.com (cctv.com)

CCTV News: Spirit of Central Economic Work Conference Embraced by All Sectors of Society

In the wake of the recent Central Economic Work Conference, all sectors of society have diligently studied and internalized the spirit of the conference. The focus has been on uniting closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, accurately grasping the requirements for economic work deployment next year, and forging ahead with high-quality development to advance the construction of a strong country with Chinese-style modernization.

This year marks the first year of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and it is also the year to resume economic development after three years of COVID-19 prevention and control. Despite the challenging international environment and the arduous tasks of domestic reform, development, and stability, the Chinese economy has made solid progress, stabilizing its scale and improving its quality.

The Central Economic Work Conference has emphasized the need to persist in seeking progress while maintaining stability and promoting advancement. It has also highlighted nine key tasks for the coming year, with a focus on deepening reforms in key areas and expanding high-level opening up to the outside world.

Local areas such as Ngari in Tibet and the Shanghai Lingang New Area are already seeing the benefits of these efforts, with a continued focus on poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, and expanding pilot measures for opening up to the outside world.

The majority of cadres and the masses have expressed their commitment to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference. By focusing on the central task of economic construction and the primary task of high-quality development, they aim to turn the grand blueprint of Chinese-style modernization into a beautiful reality step by step.

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Overall, the results of the Central Economic Work Conference and the resolve of all sectors to implement its spirit are inspiring, giving hope for continued progress and prosperity in the year ahead.

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