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‘History’ Councilor Pd: Council motion “clear condemnation”

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‘History’ Councilor Pd: Council motion “clear condemnation”

Le Pen and Salvini ‘overturned’. Mangialardi, ‘apologies to 25 April’

(ANSA) – ANCONA, APRIL 26 – “Clear condemnation” for a message in the contents of “violent, intolerant communication, incitement to hatred towards the political opponent”. This was underlined by a motion proposed by the majority groups (center-right) and approved by the Marche Regional Council with 16 votes in favor (7 against and 2 abstentions), of “condemnation of the regional councilor Maurizio Mangialardi”, dem group leader; the act stigmatizes the story published on Instragram on the evening of April 24, with an overturned photo that portrays Matteo Salvini and Marine Le Pen upside down.

The vote of the Assembly came after a long debate in the classroom that gave the green light to the motion signed by the group leaders Renzo Marinelli (Lega), Carlo Ciccioli (FdI), Jessica Marcozzi (FI), Dino Latini (Udc), Giacomo Rossi (Civici Marche). Among others, Mangialardi himself also intervened to apologize for having “dirty” the date of 25 April. The leader of the Pd group, who at that time was returning from the March for Peace in Assisi, explained that it was not a post but a story on Instagram, with a limited time duration, in which he published a screenshot from an online newspaper, in which photos and text have been ‘overturned’. A ‘story’ which, he reiterated, wanted to refer to Macron’s victory in France, to the fact that Marine Le Pen’s program could have turned Europe upside down and that instead “those theses” and also the “position of Salvini who had expressed his convinced support for Le Pen’s thesis on several occasions “.

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Mangialardi spoke of an “inadequate reading”, of “exploitation”, noting that what was published “had no connection with facts that I cannot even mention, that do not belong to my culture, and I consider embarrassing”. “There was no need for this clamor”, he added, reiterating that “he had always been for dialogue and not for confrontation”, and that he “never instigated violence, not even verbal”. “I would not have wanted to ‘dirty’ the date of April 25 – he admitted him – and on this I apologize”. (HANDLE).

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