Home » In Asl / To4 there are 18% of doctors hired, in the emergency rooms of Ivrea and Ciriè there will be two new primary doctors

In Asl / To4 there are 18% of doctors hired, in the emergency rooms of Ivrea and Ciriè there will be two new primary doctors

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The difficulty in recruiting personnel did not even allow to spend the entire budget dedicated for 2021


There is the possibility of work, in Asl / To4. Competitions and rankings, so far, have not been able to fill the many empty boxes. It has been talked about many times and the problem always remains the same. On paper, compared to the staff, there are 118 doctors (18% of the workforce), 95 nurses, a hundred social health workers. Part of that staff is recovered through atypical contracts and tokens, but there is ample room for permanent hires. The same Asl / To4 management, led by Stefano Scarpetta, underlines that in 2021 the budget foreseen for personnel was not even fully used due to the enormous difficulty in recruiting.

The staff (391 workers) who, during the year, dedicated themselves to tackling the Covid emergency deserves a separate discussion. Among them: 67 doctors, 70 nurses, 169 health workers for a total of 11 million. And a separate mention also deserves the upgrades (for now all on paper) of the intensive care staff with the works of the Arcuri plan just started in Ivrea and just approved on the design front for Ivrea and Ciriè. On paper, in fact, the increase would be 15 anesthetists, 50 nurses and 19 social health workers. Another 80 nurses, defined as community nurses, are those who should go to enhance the services in the area. If the ASL / To4, however, were to take charge with its own budget of all the staff destined for upgrades (8 million and a half euros) it would go beyond the spending ceiling set by the Region.

Among the effects of the critical issues related to the difficulty of finding personnel, especially emergency personnel, the emergency room in Cuorgnè paid for it at the moment, which remained the only one in the whole Region not to have reopened its doors after the conversion, at the end of the ‘October 2020, in Covid hospital. On this point, Scarpetta aims to make the emergency and admission departments of the hospitals of Ivrea (on which the Cuorgnè emergency room depends) and Ciriè (to which the Lanzo first aid point belongs) become more attractive by returning them to be managed by two new primary. The ASL / To4 has been given the go-ahead in this context by the Region and the company deed with two additional directors of a complex structure will also have to go through the conference of mayors. Still Scarpetta, in a note, underlines that, in addition to the competitions in progress (which for about ten years have not been able to cover the need for medical personnel, arriving at today’s situation), a tender in five lots will soon be published to identify a service company that provides medical personnel to supplement the company staff.

The alarm on personnel has long been a workhorse of Nursind, the union of the nursing professions. «We ask for the rapid recruitment of the nurses who participated in the fixed-term call guaranteeing long-term contracts pending an open-ended competition. Competition that must be banned quickly (the last one is of 2018, ed) », urges the territorial secretary Giuseppe Summa. The accounts are soon made: «If we hire the 70 nurses who now work for 36 months in the company, there would still be a delta of 26 permanent hires and therefore also the economic resources – he continues -. The staff who work within 36 months must be stabilized by accessing the rankings before they leave the ASL to go and stabilize elsewhere ». For Summa, the savings from the staff spending ceiling should be used not to balance budgets, but to pay for the staff commitment ». Among the recruitments, a particular eye goes to the social health workers: “It would be the right time to hire them to finally match the schedule with the nurses.” Regarding the new primary doctors in the emergency room, Summa observes that this is a topic that has been underlined for some time: “It must not be just a role to be filled, however, but a change that brings benefits to the organization and to users”.

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The honorable Alessandro Giglio Vigna (Lega) and Andrea Cane (Lega, vice-president of the regional health commission) applaud the reorganization of Scarpetta: “We need pragmatism, not rhetoric made up only of conferences, protests, signatures and press releases”. The president of the regional council Alberto Cirio also spoke on the subject, yesterday morning in Cuorgnè: “The Dirmei is working to find a solution even faster while waiting for the new primary to find doctors for the Cuorgnè emergency room” . Competition notices expire in February.

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