Home » Inpec confirmed transfer of alias Satan to maximum security prison

Inpec confirmed transfer of alias Satan to maximum security prison

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Inpec confirmed transfer of alias Satan to maximum security prison

On January 13, 2024, some audios were released in which José Manuel Vera Sulbarán, alias Satan, warned, from the Palogordo de Girón prison (Santander), that the Los Satan structure, linked to the Aragua Train, would make a bloodbath if Bogotá merchants “do not catch up with Moisés and Pedro”, who were the ones in charge of collecting extortions in the capital of the Republic.

Hours after the audios were revealed by Noticias Caracol, the director of the Eastern regional of the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute, Henry Mayorga, after a security council in Girón, announced that Satan will be transferred, in the coming days, to a high security prison, also pointed out that with the support of the National Police and the Army, security will be reinforced in the vicinity of the Palogordo penitentiary.

These were the statements that Mayorga delivered: “Inpec has arranged eight high security establishments nationwide for Operation Domino; “One of the decisions is to transfer this prisoner, alias Satan, to another establishment where this operation is located.”

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He also thanked the Police and the Army for the support they have provided to Inpec and announced that security will be reinforced around the perimeter and the access road to the Palogordo prison:

“First, thank the National Police, the Army, for all the institutional support we have received, security will be strengthened both around the establishment and on the access road to the penitentiary. There is a military base, it is one of the conclusions. “He told Noticias Caracol.

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The director of the Eastern regional of Inpec clarified that, according to the first investigations, the message from Satan with the threats to start killing merchants if they do not comply with the extortion payments was sent with a monitored line, which the prisoners use to communicate with their families, and not from a cell phone:

“We also want to make it clear that in the face of Satan there is no corruption, since the law guarantees inmates to communicate with the outside world and he used a line monitored by the institute, not from a cell phone.”

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