Home » Iran. The borders have been secured by the action of the Kurdish opponents

Iran. The borders have been secured by the action of the Kurdish opponents

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Iran.  The borders have been secured by the action of the Kurdish opponents

di Shorsh Surme

During a visit to East Azerbaijan province, the Iranian Armed Forces Chief of Staff said that “complete security” had been restored on the western borders with the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, almost two months after the ultimatum given to Baghdad to secure the borders.
Iranian cross-border attacks on Kurdish opposition groups based in the Kurdistan Region have been suspended after Iraq agreed to a Sept. 22 deadline to disarm the groups and secure border regions.
“Investigations show that the borders of East Azerbaijan province with neighboring countries are completely secure,” said Iranian Armed Forces Chief of Staff Major General Mohammed Bagheri.
Tehran has long accused the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of hosting opposition groups it considers “terrorists”, as they fight the ayatollahs’ regime and use the border areas as a springboard for attacks against the Islamic Republic. The Iranian military has conducted numerous attacks against the alleged positions of these groups, including using ballistic missiles and drones.
Opposition groups, namely the Komala Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran, the Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK) and the Kurdistan Freedom Party (PAK) have been accused of fueling last September’s nationwide protest movement, which sparked with the death of Kurdish woman Zhina (Mahsa) Amini in police custody. Groups fighting to gain more rights for Iran’s marginalized Kurdish population have historically fought a constant war with the Islamic Republic.
Iraqi National Security Advisor Qasim al-Araji met with Iranian Ambassador to Iraq Mohammad Kazem al-e Sadeq in Baghdad on Sunday to discuss “the security measures taken by the two countries regarding border control and information exchange,” Iraqi state media said.
Recent clashes have occurred in the Iranian province of Kurdistan, near the border with the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, between the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and PJAK. Casualties were recorded and thousands of hectares of oak forest were destroyed in the clashes.
For months now, Iran has targeted the bases of Kurdish dissident groups with a barrage of ballistic missiles and suicide drones, prompting the Iraqi government to increase the number of troops on its border in an attempt to stem further violations of its sovereignty.
Two months earlier, the IRGC fired some 73 ballistic missiles and launched dozens of suicide drones at opposition party bases. At least 16 people were killed and 58 injured in the bombing.
In March, Iran’s intelligence ministry renewed threats against Baghdad and Erbil, and warned that military attacks against the region will continue unless border areas are secured and Kurdish opposition groups are disbanded.

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