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Islam is a religion of peace and harmony

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Islam is a religion of peace and harmony

Islam is a religion of peace and harmony. He has given so much importance to the sanctity of human life that the killing of one person is equal to the killing of the entire humanity and if there is a non-Muslim minority living in a Muslim country, the protection of his life, property, honor and reputation is all important. They are kept and given freedom to practice their religion in their private life.
A strange incident happened during the recent Eid al-Fitr prayer in the American state of Virginia. A Hindu woman stood on the pulpit of the mosque and started spewing poison against Islam and Muslims. The mosque was full of worshipers at that time. But despite this, none of the Muslims present in the mosque tried to stop him by force and beat him. Instead, he informed the local police, who immediately reached there and threw the woman out of the mosque. Two important aspects emerge from this incident. Firstly, Muslims are not violent by nature, but they are capable of tolerance. And secondly, when there is law and justice in the society, people do not need to take the law into their own hands. However, the behavior of Muslims in this incident will reveal the real face of Islam in front of the world. At the same time, the growing corruption and fever of Hindutva will also be revealed to the world. That is why the ongoing riots in Pakistan in the name of intolerance and insults are not the training or teachings of any sect, but the result of lawlessness in the society as a whole. It has to be done because the state system favors only the powerful and the wealthy instead of the oppressed.
In practice, a Muslim is also taught to be a messenger of peace and security in the society, and not an ambassador of violence, injustice and oppression, so he is ordered to repeat the tashahhud every day. Repeat these words. Not only this, but the prayer ends with the words “Peace be upon you and peace be upon you”. It shows how much importance Islam gives to peace and security.
From these instructions, it is known that a Muslim is one who is a cause of peace and security for others, whose behavior gives other people a sense of peace and security, so it is said in a hadith that “A believer is one who trusts people with their lives and property.” “I am in peace” (Jami Tirmidhi) in another hadith: He who hurts people, hurts Allah. It is clear that no believer can satisfy Allah’s displeasure. In the above hadith, there is no restriction of any religion or nationality. Rather, its scope covers the entire humanity.
It is the only religion in whose teachings the element of peace and security is more, it emphasizes on adopting those aspects in all matters in which one does not have to take any trouble and does not cause any pain to others. What is the definition? They prefer reconciliation, especially when there is fear of abuse and conflict from the other party. It is the plan of action of Islam, in the light of which the oppressor should be restrained by force and influence to the extent possible and the oppressor should be stopped from oppression. He (PBUH) said, “Whoever helps someone in distress, Allah Ta’ala arranges for him seventy-three forgivenesses, out of which only one forgiveness is sufficient to rectify all his affairs.”
Islam forbids cruelty and transgression, but also disapproves of transgressing the limits of justice towards the other party in response to cruelty and has set decent and fair principles and rules for revenge.
Islam is a religion of peace and harmony. There is no such thing as coercion in it. Irshad Rabbani said, “And whoever kills a Muslim intentionally, his recompense will be hell, and he will remain therein for a long time, and Allah will be angry with him and curse him and prepare for him a great punishment.” and betraying it is a great crime in the sight of Allah and His Messenger. In Surat al-Nisa, Allah said (And do not kill your souls, surely Allah is Merciful to you, and whoever does this through oppression and excess, We will soon make him enter the Fire, and this is very easy for Allah). It was also repeatedly repeated that Islam’s ideology of Jihad is the real root of God-willed terrorism.
Islam is the name of patience and tolerance, there is no example of hatred, anger and extremism anywhere and Islam is known as an extremist religion. The concept of Islam that the extremists are presenting is their own creation. Terrorism is not a religion of Islam, but it teaches forgiveness, which is a guarantee of peace, but Muslims are being defamed as fundamentalists, extremists and terrorists. Repeated efforts should be made to eliminate wrong perceptions about Muslims. Due to the growing extremism in the society, the substance of democratic behavior, freedom of expression and listening and tolerance of each other is slowly disappearing. Society is moving towards anarchy and sabotage. Development and establishment of peace in the country is also affected. There is insecurity in the public.

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1 comment

Radhe/ MIKIMOTO Jaggi April 29, 2023 - 12:17 am

Yes you are right.

If Islam is a religion of peace we would know that anyway- Why do you need to tell us that ‘ Islam is a religion of peace’. If you do not repeat it over and over, we will be pleased.
However why is it that Muslims behead their own family members. Most usually the woman they marry. I do not need to say anymore.


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