Home » Ivrea, fire in the former San Giorgio boarding school: access roads blocked, then put out the flames

Ivrea, fire in the former San Giorgio boarding school: access roads blocked, then put out the flames

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Fire brigade teams from Mathi and Chivasso are also at work

IVREA. City paralyzed on Wednesday afternoon. A gigantic fire devastated the large building and historic building that first housed the college and then the boarding school, San Giorgio, now uninhabited for some time.

Ivrea, the flames break out in the former San Giorgio boarding school

On the spot, teams of firefighters from Ivrea, Mathi and Chivasso, who have put out the flames. The commander of the traffic police, Paolo Molinario, was forced to block all the roads that cross Via San Nazario 16 where the flames also attacked the roof of the building starting, it is assumed, from the ground floor.

There were no injuries. The causes of the fire are unknown. The malicious matrix is ​​not excluded.

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