Home » Ivrea, scooter against car: a 26-year-old man dies

Ivrea, scooter against car: a 26-year-old man dies

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Ivrea, scooter against car: a 26-year-old man dies

Ivrea, the fatal accident in San Bernardo

The accident Thursday morning in via Torino, near the church of San Bernardo


Fatal road accident Thursday morning in Ivrea, in via Torino. A scooter, for reasons still under investigation, collided with two cars. A 26-year-old man, Matteo Bianco, who was headed for work and traveling on a scooter, lost his life.

Ivrea, scooter against car: a 26-year-old man dies

The accident occurred in via Torino, near the church of San Bernardo. The victim lived not far from where the accident occurred and was headed to Icas, the company for which he worked.

According to a first and partial reconstruction of the accident, the man was traveling towards Ivrea when he collided with a car that was turning. Carambolato in the opposite lane he was hit by a second car.

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