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Jenny Arias, gold at the Pan American Games!

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Jenny Arias, gold at the Pan American Games!

Julián Andrés Santa

Historic triumph that was missing in the showcase of the boxer Jenny Marcela Arias who won the gold medal at the Pan American Games in Chile after defeating the Brazilian Tatiana De Jesús Chagas in the final. Let us remember that the one born in the municipality of Guatica had already obtained a bronze medal in these competitions of the Olympic Cycle and after advancing to the final, she assured her presence at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games where she will be there for the second time. consecutive.

He thanked his coaches

“I have a lot to thank my coaching staff, I am missing a very important one who is my coach Jud Franky Granada but I know that from there he is bending his knees and is happy for this title. We managed to pull it off after we had already lost two, we were down and the preparation and everything they have taught me is not my triumph but theirs.”

Highly demanding combat

Although the first two rounds were for the boxer from Brazil, Jenny Marcela never gave up and in the third she came out with everything and her blows and strategy allowed her to bathe in gold by unanimous decision of the judges. “It’s complicated because I lost the first one, they tied the second one, from there we had to win 5-0 and glory to God ‘he put his hand in the judges’ and the result came about. First of all, I owe it to God and to the medical and technical team that I have, which is really a great support.”

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Olympic medal, next challenge

“We accomplished this job, we are already moving on to the other one, which is also a challenge that I have to pass the Olympic diploma, since we started and we made the decision with the teacher to change divisions, we said that no one could stand me there and they were right “, points out the highest representative in the entire history of her municipality of Guética.

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