Home » King Midas: who was he and the place did the legend come from who turned all the pieces he touched into gold

King Midas: who was he and the place did the legend come from who turned all the pieces he touched into gold

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King Midas: who was he and the place did the legend come from who turned all the pieces he touched into gold

Visitors to Turkey are at all times captivated by the gorgeous historic websites the nation has to supply. From the grand pillars of the Library of Celsus in Ephesus to the towering spires of Mount Nemrut, Turkey’s historic magnificence is really breathtaking. However, one historic metropolis, not too long ago designated because the twentieth UNESCO World Heritage Site, stands out for its distinctive attraction – Gordio.

Located about 90 kilometers southwest of Ankara, Gordio is the traditional capital of the Iron Age kingdom of Phrygia, with a historical past spanning over 4,500 years. Despite its age, town’s significance isn’t instantly obvious, because it resembles extra of a quarry or a collapsed crater than a as soon as thriving metropolis. A big mound, housing the buried stays of a 135,000 m² citadel, slowly rises from the plain, with sandy paths resulting in the highest the place fallen partitions and traces of previous constructions may be noticed.

Gordio’s significance in historical past is highlighted by its strategic location on the intersection of main east-west commerce routes, connecting kingdoms comparable to Assyria, Babylon, Hittites, Greece, and Lydia. Brian Rose, a professor of archeology on the University of Pennsylvania, explains that the Phrygians, who dominated Asia Minor from the ninth to the seventh century BC, prospered because of Gordio’s favorable location.

Archaeologists imagine that Gordio was as soon as dominated by the well-known King Midas, identified for his “golden contact.” While the story of King Midas and his want for all the pieces he touched to show into gold could also be a morality story, consultants counsel that there’s a historic foundation to the legend. The seek for King Midas’s tomb throughout the quite a few mounds surrounding Gordio continues, with hopes of creating a big discovery.

Exploring the mysteries of Gordio and its legendary figures like King Midas and Gordias, in addition to the well-known Gordian Knot, gives a glimpse into the wealthy historical past and cultural heritage of the area. Despite the shortage of in depth gold artifacts in Gordio, archaeologists imagine that the legend of King Midas’s golden contact symbolizes town’s prosperity and success throughout his reign. The legacy of King Midas and the secrets and techniques of Gordio proceed to intrigue historians and guests alike, shedding gentle on the traditional world‘s fascinating tales and enduring mysteries.

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