Home » King Midas: who was he and the place did the legend come from who turned every part he touched into gold

King Midas: who was he and the place did the legend come from who turned every part he touched into gold

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King Midas: who was he and the place did the legend come from who turned every part he touched into gold

In Turkey, the traditional metropolis of Gordio stands out as a testomony to its historic significance, regardless of its humble look. Recently designated because the twentieth UNESCO World Heritage Site, Gordio is the traditional capital of the Iron Age kingdom of Phrygia, with a historical past courting again over 4,500 years.

Located southwest of Ankara, Gordio could seem unassuming at first look, resembling a quarry or a defunct volcano crater. A big mound, as soon as the location of a 135,000 m² fortress, rises from the encompassing space, providing traces of historic buildings and fallen partitions. Despite its unassuming look, Gordio was as soon as a robust metropolis on the crossroads of main commerce routes linking empires like Assyria, Babylon, Hittites, Greece, and Lydia.

Archaeologists working at Gordio imagine that town was dominated by the legendary King Midas, recognized for his “golden contact.” While the story of King Midas turning every part he touched into gold is extra of a fable, there’s proof that King Midas and his metropolis have been actual historic figures.

Excavations at Gordio have unearthed artifacts that time to the existence of King Midas and his father, Gordias. The elaborate facade of a temple, inscribed with dedication to Midas, sheds mild on the historical past of town and its rulers. Additionally, the invention of a tomb inside the Gordio mound, believed to belong to Gordias, has offered additional perception into the traditional historical past of the area.

Despite the dearth of gold artifacts at Gordio, archaeologists speculate that the legend of King Midas and his “golden contact” could also be a metaphor for wealth and success. This interpretation provides a deeper layer of that means to the historic significance of Gordio and the legacy of its legendary rulers.

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