Home » Long Night of Churches: The program in Wels, Lambach, Scharten and Peuerbach

Long Night of Churches: The program in Wels, Lambach, Scharten and Peuerbach

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Long Night of Churches: The program in Wels, Lambach, Scharten and Peuerbach

WELS/LAMBACH/SCHARTEN/PEUERBACH. Churches throughout Upper Austria will open their doors again on Friday, June 2nd and invite you to join in, pause and celebrate. Here is a small selection of the program in the Wels, Grieskirchen and Eferding region.

In catfish Brave people can rappel down from the Cordatushaus, supported by a professional team. A music and dance program with the Transylvanian folk dance group “Choice of Voice” and the trombone choir begins at 7 p.m. in the evangelical Christ Church.

In front of the Catholic parish church there is a meeting area, the motto there: “Faith means laughing in serious times”. A repair café will be held in the parish center. The “A cappella choir Wels” sings at 9:30 p.m. for the finale.

nicks is for the first time at the “Long Night of the Churches” with lived ecumenism, the program is designed by the Volksbildungswerk. It begins at 8 p.m. in the Maria Scharten pilgrimage church, with the Catholic and Protestant church choir providing the musical atmosphere. Visitors learn more about the history of the church, and attractive prizes await in a church quiz. From 10 p.m., “Dance Company Variable” and the “Golden Girls” will perform. There is also drone music from different nations with organ accompaniment. The Rupertikeller will be kissed awake again for this evening.

The program in Peuerbach includes a children’s church rally, tours of the tower and attic, music and contributions from people with disabilities from St. Pius.

Im Lambach Abbey the choir and musicians of the collegiate church will perform the program “Hymnus Christe redemptor” from 7 p.m.

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The entire program can be found at langenachtderkirchen.at


Michaela Krenn-Aichinger

Local editor Wels

Michaela Krenn-Aichinger


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