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Looking for a strong flavor of the New Year in travel_Guangming.com

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New Year’s travel, ice and snow travel, and outbound travel are becoming increasingly popular

Looking for a strong flavor of the New Year in travel
Guangming Daily reporters Lu Yuanzhen and Dong Bei

The Year of the Dragon has arrived, the order of the year has been renewed, and the joy of family reunion is overflowing in the streets and alleys. Celebrate the New Year feast in the snow and ice of winter, and feel the fireworks all over the city during the traditional New Year customs… During this Spring Festival, the tourism market continues to be hot. With eight days of statutory holidays and policies to encourage people to take New Year’s Eve off, the “extended” Spring Festival has set off a travel craze, and traveling during the New Year has become fashionable. This Spring Festival, some people choose to go to the North to experience the ice and snow world of thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow. Some choose to spend a relaxing holiday on the southern islands with a mild climate. Others choose to go to small ancient towns or overseas countries to experience the beautiful scenery in the distance. The same New Year time.

Throughout the country, traditional New Year customs and rich cultural activities are attracting people to travel. Visitors to Huangshan Mountain can not only see the “Fish Lantern” in Wangmantian Village, but also learn paper-cutting, make emblem pens, and watch Huangmei Opera in the surrounding ancient villages. The ancient city is a place rich in Spring Festival customs, and it is also the choice of many tourists during the Spring Festival. Recently, Yulin in Shaanxi, Pingyao in Shanxi, Chaozhou in Guangdong, and Zhengding in Hebei have successively launched local “Celebrating the New Year in Ancient Cities” activities. The public has experienced performances of intangible cultural heritage projects and watched lantern and dragon dance performances.

The Spring Festival tourism boom has also seen a trend of cross-country tourism between the north and the south. In addition to going north to enjoy the snow, going south to escape the cold and take migratory bird-style health and wellness vacations have also become popular travel routes, forming a “two-way rush” of exchange travel between the north and the south.

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The popularity of Chinese tourists traveling abroad has increased, bringing the spirit of the Chinese New Year to all parts of the world. According to the latest statistics from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, nearly 500 events will be held in nearly 100 countries and regions overseas in 2024.

This Spring Festival, the tourism boom will form a greater convergence trend, showing a larger scale of linkage and leaps, and the internal circulation gravitational force will be stronger, forming a trend of cross-travel between the north and the south. Ice and snow tours in the north and hot spring escape tours in the south have become popular choices during the Spring Festival. This kind of north-south travel reflects the richness of Chinese culture to a greater extent, and also carries the strong family ties of Chinese families, and more effectively presents the ‘Family Reunion’ is the theme of Spring Festival travel.

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