Home » Ma Ying-jeou: Both Taiwan and the mainland are one Republic of China and all are China

Ma Ying-jeou: Both Taiwan and the mainland are one Republic of China and all are China

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According to comprehensive media reports, former President Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan2During a discussion with teachers and students of Hunan University on the 1st, he said,our country is1997The “Constitution” was revised in 1999. Our country is divided into two parts, one is the Taiwan region and the other is the mainland region. Both are our Republic of China and both are China.. He pointed out thatThe Taiwan area refers to Taiwan, Penghu, Jinma, and the mainland is our territory outside of Taiwan, Penghu, Jinma. Do you understand what I mean? Therefore, whether it is in Taiwan or the mainland, under the Constitution, it belongs to one China. We are the Taiwan region, and you are the mainland region.in the mainland1983The preamble to the 2011 edition of the Constitution mentioned that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China. This is a very clear fact.

Ma Ying-jeou2On the morning of the 1st, I led the students from the Dajiu School to Hunan University to exchange and discuss with students from mainland China. A total of28Famous Taiwanese students and32local students participated.In the summary, Ma Ying-jeou mentioned the definition of “one China” in the relevant legal provisions on both sides of the strait, and carefully explained Taiwan’s point of view.2This article defines what is Taiwan and what is mainland.

Ma Ying-jeou cited Germany and France as examples. They have different languages ​​and races, but they can turn from feuds to friends. “The two sides of the strait are different. Not only do we have the same language and the same race, but both sides adhere to the one-China position. This is very important.” “I hope that under this premise, even though we are now divided into two sides, and both sides have their own systems and policies, we hope that everyone will work hard to reduce unnecessary barriers,” Ma Ying-jeou called, “let the two sides communicate sincerely, and let young people He knew at a young age that we had to go in this direction.”

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Ma Ying-jeou pointed out that this is an important goal for him to bring students to visit the mainland this time. “We are already old, and we alone are not enough. Let these new forces continue to push forward this work. Everyone agrees !”

However, in the Xinhua News Agency’s report, Tsushima’s speech at Hunan University only highlighted “the two sides of the strait share the same language, and both sides adhere to the one-China position” and hoped that the two sides would communicate sincerely and reduce estrangement.

The Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council stated that former President Ma compared the Constitution of the Republic of China with it in mainland China, and interpreted it as both sides of the strait adhered to the “one China principle”. Facts hurt the dignity of our national sovereignty.

The MAC reiterated that “the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China are not affiliated to each other” is the status quo in the Taiwan Strait and the consensus of the ruling and opposition parties, and it is also the2300ten thousand people’s persistence. The Republic of China is a sovereign state, and Taiwan was never part of the People’s Republic of China.

Editor in charge: Xu Shuting

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