Home » Maduro’s dictatorship raised the number of deaths to 16 due to the collapse of a gold mine in Bolívar

Maduro’s dictatorship raised the number of deaths to 16 due to the collapse of a gold mine in Bolívar

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This report came after Nicolás Maduro confirmed 15 dead and 11 injured in this incident and dismissed the information given earlier by the mayor of the town, Yorgi Arciniega, who spoke of 30 deaths and about 100 missing.

At least 16 people died in the collapse that occurred in an illegal mine in the state of Bolívar, according to the most recent balance provided by the vice minister for Risk Management and Civil Protection, Carlos Pérez Ampueda.

This report came after Nicolás Maduro confirmed 15 dead and 11 injured in this incident and dismissed the information given earlier by the mayor of the town, Yorgi Arciniega, who spoke of 30 deaths and about 100 missing.null

Through XPérez Ampueda indicated that, until that moment, the Civil Protection team had rescued 11 injured people of varying severity and located 16 bodies, which were transferred – along with the injured – to a care post set up by the authorities in the town of the Umbrella.

Maduro contradicts the mayor of Angostura: he assures that there are 15 deaths due to the collapse of a gold mine in Bolívar

Collapse in gold mine in Bolívar adds to a long history of tragedies in Latin America

In that place, he explained, “field triage tents for pre-hospital care are installed,” as well as “autopsy rooms (attended) by experts in forensic medicine.”

Maduro confirmed that it is an illegal mine to which the Executive has sent “the entire Civil Protection team”, and assured that, although the area “is very deep” and with connection problems, the rescue teams “are already in the place”.

In none of the government reports is any number of missing people mentioned.

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In view of the event, the main opposition coalition, the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), expressed its “deep pain” and made “hopes for the speedy recovery of the injured.”

«This unfortunate accident is a consequence of the conditions in which mining activity is carried out in many cases. The way in which Nicolás Maduro’s regime allows mining activity in that area only brings human and environmental tragedies to our country,” expressed the anti-Chavista bloc in X.

Videos are circulating on social networks that show the great depression produced in the site, in which dozens of people try to help those who were walled up.

The post Maduro Dictatorship raised the number of deaths from the collapse of the gold mine in Bolívar to 16 appeared first on EntornoInteligente – Breaking News from around the world.

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