Home » Mayor’s Office presented a project on public space policies

Mayor’s Office presented a project on public space policies

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This was prepared after completing a concertation effort with the different social actors in more than 30 work groups.

The document filed through the Secretary of Governmentfor him study and approval of the building corporationhas as an end promote the correct use of public space by individuals, give guidelines for their economic use and establish guidelines to improve the social, economic and cultural conditions of informal sellers.

Through the draft agreement, the District administrationin head of Mayor Virna Johnson, hopes to have a public policy of public space for the next 10 years, a policy whose purpose is to regulate the social, economic, cultural and tourist relations that occur in the public space, as well as the harmonization between individual rights and collective law.or to the free use and enjoyment of it.

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“This is a historic opportunity for Santa Marta to provide itself with regulations to organize public space in the District, establishing mechanisms that guarantee free transit through platforms, beaches, squares, bays and parks, improve quality of life and strengthen a respectful civic culture. of tolerance and peaceful coexistence”, said the Secretary of Government, José Humberto Torres.

The draft agreement was prepared after fulfilling an important work of concertation with the different social actors in more than 30 work tables that had the activity and purpose participation of informal vendors, formal merchants, pedestrians and public entities, allowing this to consolidate a vision of the city in which the public space fulfill the role of social and economic development that corresponds to it.

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