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Member of criminal group captured in Meta for femicide of his romantic partner – news

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Member of criminal group captured in Meta for femicide of his romantic partner – news

In an emotional act of justice and reparation, two heirs of a family dispossessed by the FARC’s 26th front in El Castillo (Meta) returned to their lands after 18 years of exile.

The Land Restitution Unit (URT) formally handed over 16 hectares of the “La Huerta” property, located in the Caño Brasil village, advancing the fight against impunity and the recovery of the rights of the victims of the armed conflict in Colombia .

The URT, in collaboration with the Public Force and the Municipal Promiscuous Judge, complied with the sentence issued by the Superior Court of Bogotá. The ruling not only ordered the restitution of the property to the legitimate owners, but also declared the nullity of the legal transaction forced under threat by which the property was sold.

The family, which originally occupied the property in 1953, thanks to an award by Incora, was dedicated to growing corn, bananas and cassava and raising cattle. However, tragedy struck in 1993 when they were unjustly accused by the FARC of collaborating with paramilitaries, which led to the murder of one of their members and the disappearance of another.

The threats continued until, in 1994, the family was forced to sell their home and livelihood for a ridiculous amount, thus fleeing the terror that devastated their existence.

The efforts of the survivors, a son and nephew of the original couple, to recover their legacy brought the case before the URT, whose judicial representation resulted in a favorable decision from the Superior Court of Bogotá.

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The court confirmed that the dispossession was the product of coercion exercised by the FARC and denied any compensation to the opposing party in the process for not demonstrating good faith.

César Santoyo, territorial director of the URT in the department of Meta, announced that the entity will not only guarantee the restitution of the lands, but will also provide support for the development of a productive project in “La Huerta.” In addition, they will have access to comprehensive reparation measures, ensuring true restorative justice.

This emblematic case demonstrates the commitment of the Government of Change, led by President Gustavo Petro, to significantly advance the construction of peace and reconciliation.

Source: Land Restitution Unit

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