Home » Mom phrases that help in your personal finances

Mom phrases that help in your personal finances

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Mom phrases that help in your personal finances

By: Fernando Garzón – @fergarzon

According to the most recent National Survey of Quality of Lifecarried out by Dane and published in April of this year, at the national level, 44.2% of households in Colombia acknowledge having a woman as the head of the household, which represents a new increase compared to previous years, when in 2021 the data was 43.1% and in 2020 it was 39.8%.

This data shows that, in part, more and more Colombian mothers must be prepared in financial knowledge to manage and administer the household economy, in addition to educating and including household members in them.

Entrepreneur TEC learned about the 4 common phrases among moms, which according to tyba, the simple and reliable digital investment platform, today become key recommendations for proper money management.

In this sense and seeing the importance of the role of mothers in the financial education of their children, in the short, medium and long term.

1. “He who sows, reaps.” This saying is perfect for understanding the importance of long-term financial planning, saving, investing, and patience.

Like a good farmer, first you have to know and prepare the land, then you have to plant the seeds, water them and take care of them, so that over time the fruits come out.

Likewise, in managing money, you have to educate yourself, start saving, create financial goals, put “fertilizer” through investment and have a long-term mentality to be able to perceive the results.

2. “Money does not grow on trees”. This is one of the most accurate phrases that there can be regarding the management and use of money. Many times, especially in youth, people do not realize the effort behind receiving a monetary income after having done a job.

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Therefore, it is essential to teach children the value of money and the alternatives that exist to generate it.

3. “Clear accounts and thick chocolate”. In order to have healthy finances, it is essential to have clarity about them.

That is, keep a budget where income is evidenced, expenses (fixed and variable), what is destined for savings or investment and additional debts or financial responsibilities that one has.

Having the complete financial picture will allow you to make decisions with real numbers. In addition, to plan the payment of your debts in time, to cultivate your financial tranquility.

4. “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” This is the phrase of mom that is heard the most today related to the financial world, since in investments it is constantly used to refer to the concept of diversification.

Therefore, the teaching of this phrase is precisely to invest to give our savings the boost they need so that they have the possibility of growing.

But, indisputably, do it in a diversified way, always taking into account the level of risk that each person is capable of assuming.

Today, through technology, there are many platforms that allow you to invest digitally, with constant support, so that it is easier to identify those investment options that best suit the preferences of each person.


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