Home » Municipality of Naples – “Children in the streets for health” on World Obesity Day

Municipality of Naples – “Children in the streets for health” on World Obesity Day

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Municipality of Naples – “Children in the streets for health” on World Obesity Day
Today in Piazza Dante the event “Children in Piazza per la Salute“, organized, in collaboration with the Department of Health, by Uisp and the Italian Society of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology (SIEDP) on the occasion of the World Day Against Obesity. Slogan of the event “Everybody needs to act – Everyone must do something”.

The goal is to promote the adoption of a healthy lifestyle through knowledge of the effects of an active life and proper nutrition on the prevention of overweight, obesity and for a healthy future life expectancy. In Piazza Dante, amid moments dedicated to games, sports, nutrition and correct lifestyles, the councilors for education, Maura Striano, and for health, Vincenzo Santagada also took part.

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