Home » ‘Ndrangheta, 76 arrests in various regions: coplites Fish, Bellocco and Ostia Spada gangs

‘Ndrangheta, 76 arrests in various regions: coplites Fish, Bellocco and Ostia Spada gangs

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‘Ndrangheta, 76 arrests in various regions: coplites Fish, Bellocco and Ostia Spada gangs

The Carabinieri are carrying out a precautionary measure in various regions in two joint operations against the ‘Ndrangheta: the soldiers of the Gioia Tauro Group (Reggio Calabria) 65 arrests – 47 in prison, 16 under house arrest – and two residence orders; the Ros of Brescia 13 arrests – 12 in prison, one under house arrest -. The gangs affected are the Belloccos of Rosarno, the Spadas of Ostia (two recipients of the measure), the Lamari-Larosa-Pesces of the Gioia Tauro plain. For the Brescia part, the Ros worked together with the Guardia di Finanza for a preventive seizure of businesses, real estate, company shares for a value of around 5 million.

The suspects are accused in various capacities of mafia association, external competition, carrying and possession of common and war weapons, extortion, usury, damage, aggravated by the mafia method, as well as association aimed at drug trafficking, money laundering, self-laundering and criminal association aimed at tax crimes and fraud to the detriment of the State.

New Bellocco cosca arrangements found

The new structures of the Bellocco gang – at the top of the “Rosarno company” with interests throughout the national territory and in various foreign countries – were brought to light on the Reggio front of the operation conducted today by the Carabinieri jointly between Reggio Calabria and Brescia and which led to dozens of arrests throughout Italy. The investigation, called ‘Blue night’ was carried out by the carabinieri of the Gioia Tauro investigative unit between September 2019 and August 2020 against prominent elements of the Bellocco clan. The provision of the Judicial Authority also resulted in the preventive seizure of a company active in the sector of exploitation of forest resources (cutting, transport and transformation of wood), used to facilitate the criminal activities of the gang, whose total value was estimated at 700,000 euros. Approximately 1,000 Carabinieri from Reggio Calabria participated in the operational phase of the operation, who in 16 Italian provinces, supported by the Calabria Hunters Helicopter Squadron and the various territorial units, are carrying out a precautionary custody order issued against 65 subjects by the investigating judge of the Court of Reggio Calabria at the request of the local Dda.

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