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Negotiations between the Superintendency and the Emdupar unions began

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Negotiations between the Superintendency and the Emdupar unions began

On July 19, representatives of the Superintendency of Public Services and Emdupar workers set up the table to negotiate to ‘lower’ some points of the collective convention.

Also read: The liquidation of Emdupar would cost almost $30,000 million: will the unions negotiate?

From Sintraemsdes we have all the will to work in an articulated way between union, company and superintendency, to strengthen this company and move it forward, but of course enforce the rights of workers and their jobsaffirmed Óscar Estupiñán, president (e) of Sintraemsdes Nacional.

In addition to Estupiñán, at the table were Fabián Arturo González Ochoa, Libys María Ortega and Carlos Marenco representing Sintraemsdes.

On Emdupar’s side were Eriberto Cruz Rincón, Secretary General; Juan Carlos Sarmiento, Head of Administrative and Financial Management, and Fabián Mendoza Rodriguez, Head of Technical Management (e).

Negotiations could last several months or weeks depending on how much the union leaders are willing to give up. In case of not reaching an agreement, the Superintendence could hold an assembly so that all the workers vote if they accept the new conditions or if Emdupar is liquidated.


At the negotiating table, the legal benefits of the unions are discussed, such as bonuses, since they have 6 a year, in addition to some extra economic benefits they receive. If they reach an agreement and the benefit factor is reduced from 2.57 (current) to 1.8, the Superintendency will not liquidate Emdupar.

Do not stop reading: The Superintendency will liquidate Emdupar if it does not reach an agreement with the workers

“The only possibility to save it is for the workers to negotiate the collective agreement under conditions of decreased wage factor. That is fundamental. We don’t talk about salaries. The salary factor is 2.57. If it is not negotiated, the company is liquidated”, explained Hugo Guanumen Pacheco, director of Intervened Entities of the Superservicios.

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Before starting the negotiations, the unions are confronted with each other, that is, one group wants to negotiate and another is not willing to reduce their working conditions.

By Deivis Caro.

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