Home » “No one can be above the Law,” said Petro, referring to the process against his son – news

“No one can be above the Law,” said Petro, referring to the process against his son – news

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“No one can be above the Law,” said Petro, referring to the process against his son – news

In Sincelejo, he vehemently stated on August 3 that he did not there is no one who can end this government other than the people themselves.

In a statement via Twitter, today August 4, President Gustavo Petro Urrego said: “I receive with pain, on a personal level, the information about alleged irregularities in the development of the presidential campaign on the coast.”

He added that, regarding the institution, without any hesitation, “I affirm and reiterate that no one can be above the Law and that justice must be applied impartially, with due process and all constitutional guarantees. It will be the judges in their different powers who legally define what corresponds. For this purpose, I have granted power to the associate judge of the Criminal Cassation Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, Mauricio Pava Lugo, to represent me”.

The president emphasized that he will resolutely continue with the presidential agenda. “Nothing and no one will be able to stop the fight of a lifetime against all forms of corruption and the Government will continue its task and commitment for a better Colombia without distractions.”

“This government ends according to the popular mandate, no one else’s”

On Thursday, August 3, the day before the aforementioned statement, President Petro defiantly stated, in Sincelejo, Sucre, at the Popular Campesino Assembly for the reactivation of the National System of Agrarian Reform and Rural Development, “It is good that it is clear in Colombia: there is no one who can put an end to this government other than the people themselves,” referring to the delicate judicial process against his son Nicolás Petro Burgos, arrested last Saturday, who accepted that illegal money entered the presidential campaign.

He indicated in that public square, that he has never asked any of his children for the crime: neither to win nor to finance campaigns or for anything that has to do with power.

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The Head of State pointed out that “they have tried to use all the weaknesses and errors to try (sic) to open the way and the collapse of the first popular government of Colombia’ and warned that ‘the popular mandate is respected, the people are respected’.

“If it was my people who elected me, I owe my election to no one else. It is to the people that I must respond,’ Petro pointed out.

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