Home » No to the usual “patches”, yes to the definitive change – DIARIO CRONICA

No to the usual “patches”, yes to the definitive change – DIARIO CRONICA

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No to the usual “patches”, yes to the definitive change – DIARIO CRONICA

Numa P. Maldonado A.

Starting from Einstein’s correct phrases: “Let’s not expect things to change if we always do the same thing” y“The real crisis is the crisis of incompetence”.

Let us think that, in the difficult moment we are going through, instead of becoming more distressed, it is preferable to clear our minds and rethink the country in a positive way. Never again immediate, temporary, temporary, demagogic solutions…, which have always led to the permanent rise of public debt, especially since 2006, and have favored a few and unscrupulous figures in national politics and economy located in the disastrous partisanship of the right or the left… No more patches to aggravate the situation and maintain the same pattern of ungovernability, insecurity and looting. Let’s stop being miserably used. We will unmask those who have always lied to us, let us demand that they tell us the truth, starting with President Noboa and his officials and, without a doubt, the “leaders” and figureheads of the other parties and spokespersons, often unconscious or fanatical, of the themselves. Let them honestly tell us whether or not it is true that what really interests them is the political situation to triumph in the next elections or the insecurity, health, employment and education that they continue to craftily offer us… Of course, the answers, I take for granted, will never They will be sincere: they will continue to deceive us with impunity and without remorse of conscience. Then we must think about non-violent strategies that lead us to CHANGE. To the resounding change of the current political system that has led us to a corrupt, insecure state, without decent sources of work, lacking comprehensive health and education systems and increasingly distant from civic and individual values: a failed State, with few honest officials who risk their lives to remain such… A country that, desperately and urgently, asks to improve the political class, eliminating the pseudo leadership it holds.

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Change that, of course, requires a firm decision accompanied by valid strategies and solvent leaders that, at the present time, are not clearly foreseen…

But the immediate problem is to see how to get out of the current deficit of 10 billion dollars, thinking in the long term, not with patches as many propose. Seriously consider the proposals to increase the differentiated VAT and the elimination of fuel subsidies, also differentiated, the reforms that eliminate the enormous undetermined tax evasions (of small and large evaders), the adequate reduction of the obese State, and the control of superfluous expenses (on parties, excess staff) or surcharges in most national GADs, a disastrous legacy of populist governments…

This much-needed and long-awaited CHANGE could be made by the current political parties themselves or those that have been deactivated due to various circumstances, or by new groups of young politicians, men and women, honest, brave and visionary; but all of them capable of self-critical discernment without dogmatism or group or individual interests, with high civic and social values, without arrogance and with an accurate global geopolitical perspective.

This type of good people is found in the enormous national conglomerate that does not belong to the 4% of organized crime, which has many narcopoliticians in its ranks.

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