Home » note!Significant rainfall in Beijing from this evening to tomorrow morning may affect the evening peak

note!Significant rainfall in Beijing from this evening to tomorrow morning may affect the evening peak

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China Weather Network News Beijing Rain is not “offline”! Today (July 2) there will be thundershowers in Beijing, and the rain will be strong at night, with moderate to heavy rain. Rainfall may affect the peak of this evening, and the public should take precautions when traveling.

Yesterday, there was an obvious precipitation process in Beijing. Monitoring showed that the average precipitation in the city was 20.6 mm from 14:00 to 20:00 yesterday. The maximum precipitation in the urban area occurred in Haidian, which was 64.8 mm; the city’s maximum precipitation occurred in Pinggu Laoquankou, which reached 90.8 mm. Affected by the rainfall, Beijing felt slightly cool this morning.

This morning, Beijing’s sunshine showed up.

Today’s thunderstorms in Beijing are still “online”. According to the Beijing Meteorological Observatory, today’s daytime Beijing will turn cloudy to overcast with thunderstorms, north to south breeze at two to three to four levels, and a maximum temperature of 30°C; Level 3, the minimum temperature is 20℃. There will be significant rainfall from the evening to tomorrow morning, which may have a certain impact on the morning and evening peak travel.

Meteorological experts reminded that there have been frequent thunderstorms in Beijing recently, and the public should pay attention to nowcasting and early warning information, carry rain gear when traveling, and pay attention to traffic safety.

责编:张璋 ]


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