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Occupational doctors demand a “specialization grant”

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Occupational doctors demand a “specialization grant”

Similar to the education sector, the health sector also began to witness the coordination protest, as the National Coordination of Occupational Doctors at the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, this Wednesday morning, staged a protest in front of the ministerial treasury at the Ministry of Health in Rabat, in protest against what it calls “denial of the specialization grant.”

Occupational doctors are protesting “the denial of the specialization grant on the pretext of lack of approval from financial authorities at times and her lack of eligibility at other times, despite the National Authority for Male and Female Doctors recognizing this specialty and registering them in its national and regional registers as specialized doctors,” according to a statement by occupational doctors.

Widad Al-Haimer, an occupational doctor in Casablanca, said: “Today we are protesting against the unfairness and injustice that has befallen us,” following up in a statement to Hespress: “People with us from the same batch and the same diploma are receiving the scholarship, and 12 previous batches have had their status settled, except for us.”

She added: “We ask the Ministry of Health and Social Protection to intervene urgently to give us our rights and justice, and we call on the Ministerial Treasury to intervene to remove the injustice and injustice against us and settle our files and situation.”

The aforementioned coordination said, “Twelve groups from the previous batches benefited from the financial settlement for the same specialty, as well as practitioners in public sectors, departments, and institutions:

The Directorate of Prisons, the General Directorate of National Security, Civil and Internal Protection, and others,” continuing: “What is worse and worse is that there are those whose files have been settled among the current regiments and also employees of the Ministry of Health, in a blatant attack on the principle of equality and equal opportunities.”

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The Coordination Committee accuses the Guardian Ministry of “shirking its responsibility,” saying that it “adopted a policy of running away, procrastinating, and indifference in resolving this issue,” commenting that “despite the mission carried out by occupational doctors in Morocco, as well as the enormous shortage recorded in this specialty and their number, they were met with refusal.” The Ministry will recognize their specialty diplomas obtained from the most prestigious medical colleges in the Kingdom.”

The National Coordination of Occupational Doctors at the Ministry of Health and Social Protection indicated that this is not “in line with the structural reforms known in the health sector, which are based primarily on valuing the human resources in this sector to advance it and increase its attractiveness and competitiveness to attract medical staff to work in it, and to combat the phenomenon of reluctance and the migration of doctors in order to “The success of the royal workshops aimed at universalizing social protection.”

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