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One gold and two silver at the athletics championships in Kassel | TUCcurrent

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One gold and two silver at the athletics championships in Kassel |  TUCcurrent

TUCaktuell Sport

Successful “partner university of top-class sport”: Max Hess won his seventh championship title in the triple jump, Corinna Schwab secured silver over 400 meters and Steven Richter in the discus throw

Max Hess is the German outdoor champion in the triple jump for the seventh time. Archive photo: Max Hess/private

Three students from Chemnitz University of Technology (TUC) won one gold and two silvers at the German Athletics Championships on July 8th and 9th, 2023 in Kassel. Max Hess won the gold medal again in the triple jump. The sprinter Corinna Schwab took second place over 400 meters. Steven Richter also secured a silver medal in the discus throw.

Max Hess grabbed the 5th gold medal in a row

The former European champion Max Hess, who is studying industrial engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology, became German outdoor champion in triple jump for the seventh time after 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. At the national track and field title fights in Kassel, the 26-year-old from LAC Erdgas Chemnitz prevailed with 16.12 meters. Hess, who had previously struggled with a ligament injury in his foot, was not completely satisfied with his performance: “The second attempt was the reason that I had to stop the competition. The attempt was technically not entirely clean and it can happen that such an injury breaks out again. That’s why I wanted to give up further attempts to protect my foot. I also jumped from a short run-up as a precaution. Unfortunately, it will now be the case that I will be going to the World Championships with only a few competitions this season. I already have the confirmation norm from the hall and I’m doing quite well in the ranking. The range of competitions is now also limited. But the focus is now on getting healthy again.” With a view to the World Championships in Budapest (19th to 27th August 2023), Hess would certainly have liked to have jumped several times and further in Kassel.

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Corinna Schwab was unable to defend last year’s title

On July 9, the sprinter Corinna Schwab, who is studying economics at the TUC for a bachelor’s degree, started in the women’s 400-meter sprint and secured the silver medal. However, the student did not succeed in repeating last year’s victory. Corinna Schwab was on course for gold for a long time, but in the last 50 meters Skadi Schier from Berlin (51.83 seconds) passed the 24-year-old. Nevertheless, the athlete from LAC Erdgas Chemnitz should be able to live quite well with second place and 52.27 seconds, especially since she was able to improve on the lead time (52.39 seconds) in the final. Corinna Schwab’s form curve is pointing upwards again after a long injury break.

Silver in the discus throw for Steven Richter

Steven Richter, who is studying economics at the TUC for a bachelor’s degree and trains at LV 90 Erzgebirge, also won silver in the discus throw. However, with 63.57 meters, the 20-year-old fell short of his personal best of 65.88 meters. His club colleague Matteo Maulana, who is studying political science at the TUC, only reached 10th place with 56.10 meters. The next sporting challenge awaits Richter in a few days: from July 13th to 16th he will be in Espoo (Finland). take part in the U-23 European Athletics Championships.

Background: Chemnitz University of Technology is a “partner university of top-class sport”

Combining study and sport is a challenge for many athletes at the highest level. With the “Partner University of Top Sports” initiative, the TUC, in cooperation with the Olympic base in Chemnitz/Dresden and the General German University Sports Association (adh), offers top athletes many opportunities to shape their academic and sporting careers in harmony – for example through a flexible structure of the timetable, individually coordinated submission and examination dates as well as the introduction of vacation semesters as “championship semesters”.

Further information on the TUC as a partner university of top-class sport:

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(sources used: e.g. www.leichtathletik.de)

Mario Steinebach

All “TUCaktuell” messages
Note: The TU Chemnitz is present in many media. The media review gives an impression of how they report about the university.

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