Home » Orune, the victim’s DNA was found in the cars of the suspects

Orune, the victim’s DNA was found in the cars of the suspects

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Carai murder: the results of the Ris on the biological traces found on the machines

NUORO. The biological traces found on the driver’s side of one of the two cars in use by the brothers Giuseppe and Mauro Contena, 51 years old from Orune, who were investigated for the murder of the farmer, stabbed to death on the night of August 28 last, belong to Mauro Antonio Carai. in the countryside of the country. Biological traces attributable to the victim were also found on the mat and on the passenger side seat of the other car used by the Contena twins, and seized to be subjected to unrepeatable technical investigations. The genetic profile of the 74-year-old, in addition to being found on his car and at the scene of the crime, was found on the machines of the two breeders, and grazing neighbors, under investigation.

This is what was reported yesterday morning by the Marshal of Ris of Cagliari, Gavino Piras, who during the probative incident exposed the results of the tests carried out on the genetic profiles extrapolated from the biological traces found in the “Su Cumonale” countryside, a few hundred meters from Highway 389, where that night in late August the farmer was found lifeless. But also on the tracks found in the victim’s car, on those found in the cars used by two brothers under investigation, and on a shirt confiscated from their home. During the hearing before the investigating judge Teresa Castagna, the public prosecutor Riccardo Belfiori, owner of the investigation, the lawyer Luigi Esposito, defender of the suspects, the party consultant Andrea Maludrottu, and the lawyer Pasquale Ramazzotti defender of the offended party, it emerged that in addition to the victim’s profile, another “unknown” (profile A) was identified, present both on the cars of the twins and on the shirt seized from their home in Orune. In particular, in the second of one of the two Contena cars, mixed biological traces were found, that is, made up of the contribution of two different DNAs. The research carried out by the Marshal of the Ris of Cagliari, however, was aimed only at the extrapolation of the genetic profiles present on the seized finds, and was not supposed to give answers from a comparative point of view. This assessment is always repeatable.

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The report acquired yesterday at the hearing was forwarded to the public prosecutor. The file of the preliminary investigations has thus been enriched with further evidence, intended to be deposited in support of the possible request for indictment, if the magistrate at the end of his investigation deems he must ask for the trial, or alternatively, of the request for filing the crime report, if the elements acquired are not considered suitable to support the accusation in court. Mauro Antonio Carai on the evening of 28 August had not returned home. His son, worried about the unusual delay, had gone to look for him in the land where he tended the cattle. It is there, in the countryside of “Su Cumonale”, a few tens of meters from the Sant’Efisio barracks that Giovanni Carai had found his father, lying on the ground, in a pool of blood. In desperation he had given the alarm, but any attempt to rescue the farmer had been in vain.

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