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Pacifying the center, an urgent need

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Pacifying the center, an urgent need

In the midst of the daily hustle and bustle that characterizes the center of Medellín, we citizens find ourselves immersed in a whirlwind of strident sounds that affect our quality of life in a overwhelming way. The noise coming from deafening megaphones, the constant blare of vehicle whistles and congestion have become an unpleasant symphony that permeates every corner of our territory, generating not only inconvenience, but also negative consequences for the health of those who encounter it. they inhabit or visit.

The reality is undeniable: noise has ceased to be simply a nuisance and has become a silent threat to the health of the inhabitants of Medellín. The stress caused by the constant hum of speakers on streets and businesses, and the cacophony of vehicle engines contribute to a harmful urban environment that, according to medical studies, can have significant impacts on people’s mental and physical health.

The problem worsens when we observe the exponential increase in informal sales, which, although they are a sample of the social situation that the country is experiencing, also contribute to the increase in noise on our streets. Street vendors shouting their offers loudly, street performers wanting to be heard blocks away, create a deafening atmosphere that affects residents and visitors alike.

It is no exaggeration to say that the health of our community is at stake. Medical reports indicate that prolonged exposure to noise can cause everything from sleep problems to more serious effects such as hearing loss and an increase in cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it is time for us to become collectively aware of this problem that seems invisible despite its constant presence in our lives.

The responsibility falls not only on those who resort to these practices on a daily basis, but also on the determined action of our authorities. From Corpocentro and the Centrópolis Newspaper we urge the current district administration to take strong measures against those who violate existing laws on noise. Today there are rules that protect citizens from noise and these must be firmly applied to guarantee the respect of all citizens for the right to live in a quiet environment.

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It is essential that effective strategies are implemented to control and reduce noise in Medellín. This includes citizen awareness campaigns to promote a cultural change regarding noise, as well as the incorporation of technologies and policies that mitigate negative noise impacts. Recreation and meeting areas must be defined that respect acoustic limits, allowing citizens to enjoy their surroundings without putting their well-being at risk.

It is a priority that as a society we unite in favor of a quieter and healthier Medellín. The noise problem is not exclusive to one part of the city; It affects everyone equally. The health and quality of life of the inhabitants of Medellín depend on our ability to act together and forcefully.

It is time to raise our voices, not to contribute to the noise, but to demand a change that will restore our lost peace of mind. The city needs us, and it is everyone’s responsibility to build a Medellín where the sound of silence is the echo that defines our quality of life.

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The entry Pacifying the center, an urgent need was published first in Centropolis.

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