Home » Panorama of vector-borne ailments in Huila

Panorama of vector-borne ailments in Huila

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Panorama of vector-borne ailments in Huila

The Huila Departmental Health Secretariat has issued the newest Epidemiological Bulletin of Vector-Transmitted Diseases (ETV), highlighting an alarming enhance in dengue instances throughout epidemiological week 18 of 2024.

Key Data and Statistics

Until week 18, The division has recorded a complete of 12,697 instances of dengue. The distribution of those instances is as follows:

Dengue with out warning indicators: 63.3%

Dengue with warning indicators: 34%

Dengue grave: 2.5%

The report highlights errors within the classification of medical behaviors in 11.7% of instances with out alarm indicators and in 7.6% of instances with alarm indicators. Likewise, in severe instances, 91.1% have been managed within the ICU, reflecting the seriousness of the scenario.

Affected Municipalities

The municipalities with the most important share will increase in dengue instances in comparison with historic averages from 2017 to 2023 are:

Opapa: 47,325%

Elias: 4,594%

Saltywhite: 3,512%

San Agustin: 3,273%

Gigante: 2,994%

Alerts and Outbreaks

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The bulletin classifies municipalities into completely different alert ranges and outbreaks:

Type II: Algeciras, Elijah, Garzon, Giant, Guadalupe, Iquira, Neiva, Oporapa, Pitalito Saladoblanco, St. Augustine, Suaza and Tello.

Type I: Acevedo, Agrado, Aipe, Altamira, Baraya, Campoalegre, Colombia, Hobo, Isnos, Argentina, La Plata, Paicol, Palermo, Palestine, Pital, Rivera, Santa María, Tarqui, Teruel, Tesalia, Timana, Villavieja and Yaguará.

Alert Zone: Hives.


Chagas illness within the division of Huila is taken into account an rising endemic tropical pathology, its conduct has a reducing development since 2017, as proven within the following determine, making an allowance for the case definition of the INS protocol in its acute part and in threat inhabitants, subsequently it may be reported that in 2024 till week 18 of 2024, no instances of acute Chagas are reported in Huila.

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Since 2020, no stories of confirmed instances have been generated in Huila. In 2024 there may be 1 suspected case, it’s verified that the pattern was not taken, subsequently, it can’t be adjusted.


In relation to the conduct of Leishmaniasis in Huila and the cutaneous, mucosal and visceral varieties, essentially the most frequent and with the best geographical distribution within the division is cutaneous leishmaniasis, adopted by visceral and the least frequent is mucosal leishmaniasis, reported to the SIVIGILA with codes 420, 440 and 430 respectively; As of Week 18, the division has no stories to SIVIGILA, 12 instances of cutaneous leishmaniasis originating outdoors of Huila have been reported; knowledge has been adjusted after case investigations; There are not any stories for mucosal and visceral leishmaniasis in SIVIGILA Huila.

Yellow fever

The division of Huila has no confirmed instances. Until week 18, 3 instances have been reported, 1 from Caquetá and a pair of from Neiva, all studied and dominated out.


As of week 18 of 2024, 23 instances have been reported, in accordance with the sphere epidemiological investigation and have been assigned to different departments. The case of blended malaria that had been assigned to Pitalito was discarded with adjustment D from the UPGD of Pereira.


In Huila, as of epidemiological week 18 of 2024, 20 instances have been reported, of which 13 have been dominated out, 3 are pending outcomes, which proceed to be managed by the Public Health Laboratory; In the crossing of the databases with the general public well being laboratory of Huila, it’s evident that 3 instances didn’t ship the samples to the general public well being laboratory and in 1 case the pattern was rejected. From the above, it may be mentioned that there have been no instances of Zika in Huila since 2023 or 2024.

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