Home » Pellegrini illegally received 250,000 euros from his party on a transparent account — what does it mean according to Eugene Korda | | .a week

Pellegrini illegally received 250,000 euros from his party on a transparent account — what does it mean according to Eugene Korda | | .a week

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Pellegrini illegally received 250,000 euros from his party on a transparent account — what does it mean according to Eugene Korda |  |  .a week

the non-profit organization Transparency International Slovakia (TIS) drew attention to the fact that the future president Peter Pellegrini (Hlas-SD) accepted a donation worth 250,000 euros from the party Hlas – social democracy (Hlas-SD) to his transparent account for the presidential elections, despite the fact that the law no longer allows it after the elections. The donation from the party was added to Pellegrini’s account today, the presidential candidate used them to pay the first two payments for electoral events in the second round of the elections.

“Immediately after the second round of elections, we pointed out that even at the end of the campaign, the winner of the election did not collect the necessary funds in a transparent account, while the law allows candidates to receive funds only until the beginning of the election moratorium. The Ministry of the Interior provides an exception in the instructions for the candidates, according to which they can deposit funds into the account even after the elections if they need to pay the invoice,” the organization wrote on the social network. However, the catch is that after the election, the candidate can only send money to his transparent account from his current account, which the future president did not do. TIS claims that Pellegrini’s account should have been blocked so that receiving donations from which he can finance the election campaign was not possible after the election.

“According to our assessment, the future president led the least transparent election campaign, during which he did not reveal a single donor, hiding them in the non-public Hlasu-SD party account. Even at the end of the campaign, which according to our estimation was the largest, he only had a single donation from Hlas-SD in the amount of 250,000 euros,” adds TIS. He reminds that Pellegrini has not yet paid for his billboard campaign, which, according to the organization’s estimate, was the largest and estimated its amount to be at least 250 to 300 thousand euros.

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.explanation of Eugene Korda:

Peter Pellegrini has done nothing but what he has done throughout his political career. He didn’t mind running his transparent account in such a way that it was the least transparent account in the whole campaign — to put it bluntly, he was quite non-transparent and should rather have no account at all. ´

Jhis voters didn’t mind and so we will have a fraud president who does not shy away from breaking the law just to get some political position, in this case the position of head of state.

Our partners and allies will know about him and Peter Pellegrini will also know that they know. Despite this, they will smile at each other. However, our future president will not in Europe no honest politician to trust. It will be all about smiles. Yet. I’m already “looking forward” to seeing him laughing in our faces from the presidential palace.

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