Home » Pension reform: Government would not increase retirement age

Pension reform: Government would not increase retirement age

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Pension reform: Government would not increase retirement age

The Permanent Commission for the Agreement on Salary and Labor Policies, made up of the trade unions, unions and the government, met on Tuesday to discuss the pension reform, in which the draft of the bill was released.

The document indicates that the reform will be made up of a system of pillars that are solidary, semi-contributive and contributory.

One of the known points of the project establishes that adults over 65 years of age will receive an income of 223,000 pesos, the conditions being that they have full contribution time. This population is made up of about 2.5 million people.

The document also indicates that it would not increase or the weeks of contribution or the pension age, which is in 57 years for women and 62 years for men.

News in development…

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