Home » Petro proposes to the Pope a round of negotiations with the ELN in the Vatican

Petro proposes to the Pope a round of negotiations with the ELN in the Vatican

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Petro proposes to the Pope a round of negotiations with the ELN in the Vatican

Colombian President Gustavo Petro today proposed to Pope Francis that a round of negotiations with the National Liberation Army (ELN) be held in the Vatican.

“It is possible that we will make a round here (in the Vatican), we will talk to the ELN. Well, it seems that we can build an even deeper step in the abandonment of violence with a scenario like this, it would seem very suggestive to the entire society,” Petro explained to the media upon leaving the meeting with the pope.

And he added that “the Pope agrees that we take deeper steps in the Peace Accords.”

The Catholic Church, great support in Colombia

Petro said that “the Catholic Church has been a great support in Colombia for all the peace processes and it is at this moment in relation to the peace process with the ELN,” so that now the Vatican “can be the scene of a round of negotiations.”

Pope Francis receives a gift of Colombian coffee and a ruana, a traditional piece of Colombian clothing, from the hands of Colombian President Gustavo Petro. EFE/ Simone Risoluti/Press Office of the Holy See

“I would be very interested if the next (round) or the one that may be established with the ELN could be uncovered here for many reasons that have to do with history,” the president highlighted in San Pedro Square.

During the conversation with the pope, the Catholic movement of the Community of San Egidio also came to light “with great experience in peace processes in Central America, in Africa and also in Colombia” and that the Colombian president visited the day before, but did not revealed whether they would be part of this negotiation.

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Other topics discussed with the Pope

In addition to the peace negotiations, Petro pointed out that they also discussed the climate crisis and gave the example of some Pacific islands “that are sinking at this moment” and “their populations have to be evacuated practically urgently”; They also talked about Nicaragua.

He highlighted his agreement with the pope “even from a political and not just a religious point of view,” because his “encyclicals are inspiring, such as ‘Laudato si’ on the protection of nature, and also ‘Fratelli Tutti’.”

The latter “practically proposes, as we defend in Colombia, the exit from a regime that we call neoliberal, which has weakened the States, which has then handed over societies to mafia controls throughout South America and which has filled South America with social inequality.” ”.

On Nicaragua and the water conflict

In reference to Nicaragua and the water conflict, Petro explained that “we must begin with a conversation between the presidents to ensure that artisanal fishing is not affected” and then talk about other issues and noted that he would also like “for Nicaragua to reached a normalization of religious activity.”

The president of Colombia also referred to his complaint about the silence of prosecutor Francisco Barbosa for the harassment of his daughter, Antonella Petro, during a vacation in Florida and assured that “they are already repetitive and systematic crimes” and “it is not an isolated incident.” , as it could have been understood before.”

“The harassment is repetitive when my daughter is on the street or anywhere and that is a crime; and if it is a crime, then the jurisdiction lies with the prosecutor,” she added. With EFE

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