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Pizzini Arezzo – Online News

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Pizzini Arezzo – Online News

Marco Travaglio’s editorial

Pizzini from Arezzo

The other day we read the usual fantasy piece of Sheet, “A Loft in Rai for the daily newspaper” and we wondered who would be stupid enough to believe it. The answer came quickly: Maria Elena Boschi who, due to her keen eye, is vice president of Supervision. And, in a loving interview by Giovanna Vitale on Republic (all that’s missing is the question “But how can she be so good?”), she even manages to surpass her classic standards of sagacity. 1) She discovers that Rai also buys external formats (her friends Lucio Presta, Simona Ercolani & C. hide everything from her), or rather just one: The confession by Peter Gomez, produced by our Loft and broadcast on Rai3 for less than two months in 7 episodes with negligible costs (among other things in 2024, while the tape talks about the 2023 budget). 2) “The accounts of the Seif company, owner of the Everyday occurrence, are based on the programs sold by Loft. I’m not the one saying it: it’s written in the latest budget”. So the poor thing doesn’t know how to read or doesn’t understand what she reads: in the latest balance sheet Seif revenues are based on media content (including Loft) for 8.59% and on editorial products (DonePaperFirst website and books) for 80.71%. 3) “Loft could raise cash thanks to Rai and save the newspaper… and Travaglio… from possible bankruptcy… with taxpayers’ money”. Which, said by one of the world‘s leading experts on bankruptcies (from the Renzian Democratic Party to the Banca Etruria admirably managed by his father to his constitutional rubbish, much appreciated in Niger), is a dig at the solidity of our accounts, which have also improved by 45% since 2022 to ’23.

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4) Lubricated by the probing question “Is this the reason why Travaglio insists on saying that there is no military occupation of RAI, that the right is doing what the left did?”, the former Etruria lobbyist maintains that I would be “conflict of interest” Why il Fatto “never expresses criticism towards the Rai of the Meloni era”, On the contrary “Travaglio uses velvet gloves, he actually comes to defend her”. Apart from the address book Light newsreel on the hustlers of the Rai news and the hundreds of comments by Padellaro, Valentini, Lerner, Crapis, Delbecchi down to the undersigned who has just defined the Melonian leaders as a “mix of servility and stupidity”, “so stupid that they seem to be censors even on the rare occasions where they are not.” Which confirms that the well-known Arezzo woman cannot read or does not understand what she reads, or both. But it is gifted with remarkable qualities humour: otherwise he wouldn’t accuse the others of dividing up Rai, since the Renzians occupied it 100% in 2014-’19 and continued to occupy it in many key positions, from the presidency of Soldi to Moiro Orfeo’s Tg3, now that no one votes for them anymore.

And she wouldn’t accuse one of the rare opposition newspapers of not opposing enough while she and all of IV ally themselves with the right in half of Italy, vote for their worst filth and abstain on the premiership. She’s at least as witty as that Republicwho shouts every other day even at the censures of others having a director who has just been disheartened for having sent 100 thousand copies to the pulper overnight to make an article disappear that he thought was unpleasant to the boss. 5) “Loft appears to be negotiating with Rai for the sale of other programmes”. And here, we must confess, the lady in yellow from Laterina caught us. After having rejected for years any proposal to host Rai news programs and programs due to the subdivision, we have just broken the deadlock by agreeing with the Rai top management on an entirely Done, from dawn to dusk: stuff that would make TeleRenzi and TeleDraghi pale, where Pd&Iv placed the best of the Espresso & Gedi group, including ushers, as presidents, directors, presenters, columnists and regular guests. I will direct Tg1 and will transfer our investigative team there, because Meloni greatly appreciated our scoops on her Sgarbi, Santanchè, Lollobrigida, Crosetto, Corsini and her new villa with swimming pool. Gomez will go to Tg2, to relaunch them as him. Lucarelli will lead Tg3: the Rai top management loved her blunders on Montesano a Dancing and on the Sanremo hustlers to Travolta’s sneakers. Many talk shows: Maddalena Oliva on gender and women’s rights; Silvia Truzzi on premiership and autonomy; Montanari and Lerner on the return of fascism and persecuted migrants; Basile, Fini, Mini, Orsini and Spinelli on geopolitics and Melonian disasters from Kiev to Gaza; Lillo and Barbacetto on judicial reports with Caselli, Davigo and Esposito; Ranieri on the cultural hegemony of the right. Sommi will detect Door to door from Vespa, now disliked by the Melones for the aggressiveness of his investigative journalism. Natangelo, venerated by Giorgia and above all by Arianna and Lollo for his cartoons about the Latvian, will have a satire program with Mannelli, Vauro and Disegno. Scanzi will go to prime time with the show The Misfortune. It is useless to specify who the president and CEO of TeleFattoMeloni will be: Antonio Padellaro and Cinzia Monteverdi.

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Many readers write to us not to be intimidated by Boschi’s pizzini, and we want to reassure them: B., Previti, Dell’Utri&C. couldn’t do it, let alone this one. Others invite us to sue and we would gladly do without it, given that the Renzians regularly vote for impunity for others and the others vote for it for them. But no one is allowed to lie about the financial statements of a group listed on the stock exchange. So we will see each other in the habitat that is most congenial to her: the court.

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