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Planes crashed in Guidonia, the story of the witness

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Planes crashed in Guidonia, the story of the witness

Terror and fear characterize the stories of witnesses who witnessed the plane crash that cost the lives of two Air Force pilots

Guidonia, the place of the accident


Terror and fear characterize the accounts of witnesses who witnessed the plane crash that claimed the lives of two pilots of the Air Force a Guidonia, at the gates of Rome. There are those who saw the moment of contact between the two aircraft from the window and those who, on the other hand, saved themselves for a few seconds as they were reaching their parked car right where one of the planes crashed.

“Ten more seconds and I would have died”

Ten more seconds and I would have died – his words while, still visibly shaken, he says he saw a shadow on his head before running away -. I can truly say that I am a miracle worker.” The first thing I did was run away – continues the owner of one of the cars hit by the crashed plane -. I was going by car. A few more seconds and now I wouldn’t be here talking“. “I saw the plane flying in a strange way, turning left and right – recalls a lady -. After a while I heard the bang and saw smoke in the street. It hit my friend’s houseIt was a great tragedy and a great pain.”

“I heard the pilot cry for help”

“We are used to hearing the roar of planes, we are a city closely connected with the airport, we were practically born with it”, says the mayor of Guidonia, Mauro Lombardo, who was among the first to go to the scene of the accident. Around him cameras and journalists, but also many residents and witnesses. “I heard the pilot yell for help. I approached and tried to do something but it was impossible because of the flames – says a boy -. The plane fell like a dead leaf. Luckily it ended up on the road and not against a house. It could have been an even worse tragedy.”

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“The hero pilot dodged the buildings”

Many then tell of the maneuver made by the pilot before touching the ground, as a desperate attempt to avoid the worst. “You did something to avoid the buildings, you dodged them – says a witness -. In my opinion, a maneuver to pardon us, because you could have taken the buildings”. “I was standing here and suddenly I saw a plane falling out of the sky – he adds -. He passed between the buildings and then crashed into a car. In my opinion, the rider did something to avoid the buildings because he hit the tarmac. The plane went down obliquely trying to dodge the buildings”. Another witness instead recounts: “I was just near the field where one of the two planes went down. They were making evolutions when they collided”

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