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Police Officer Saves 18-Month-Old Boy’s Life During Traffic Stop

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Police Officer Saves 18-Month-Old Boy’s Life During Traffic Stop

Heroic Police Officer Saves Choking Baby During Traffic Stop

WARREN, Mich. – In a heart-stopping moment, a suburban Detroit police officer became a hero when he saved the life of an 18-month-old boy who was choking after he stopped a speeding car. Warren Police Department officer Brenden Fraser was monitoring for distracted drivers on Tuesday when he pulled over a Chevrolet Camaro that was estimated to be traveling at speeds of 75 to 80 miles per hour.

Little did he know, this routine traffic stop would quickly escalate into a life-saving moment. As Officer Fraser approached the vehicle, the distressed mother exclaimed, “We have a baby that is dying.” Her desperate cry for help instantly raised the officer’s concern.

Realizing the urgency of the situation, Fraser took a quick glance inside the car and found the baby turning blue with his eyes rolled back. It was clear that the infant was in distress. Acting swiftly, the officer took the child from the distraught father, who was holding him, into his own arms.

Describing the scene, Fraser said, “He had saliva around his mouth. It looked like he was choking, so I placed him on my forearm and gave him a couple of blows to the back when I felt saliva and vomit drip down my arm.” His prompt action made the baby breathe again, as oxygen was restored to his little body.

Reflecting on the incident, Fraser humbly stated, “Looking at it now, it’s a little bit overwhelming, but at the moment you don’t really think about much other than relying on training.” His quick thinking and calmness under pressure ultimately saved the young child’s life.

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Warren Police Chief William Dwyer praised Fraser for his heroic actions during the traffic stop. “Officer Fraser’s actions in this traffic stop are nothing short of heroic,” Chief Dwyer said in a statement. “This incident demonstrates that police work and traffic stops are not always about issuing tickets or making arrests.”

Fortunately, the baby has been discharged from the hospital and has returned home with his family, who have chosen to remain anonymous. This spine-tingling incident serves as a powerful reminder of the unpredictability and range of situations police officers can find themselves in while on duty.

Officer Brenden Fraser’s courageous act has left a lasting impact on the community, reminding us all of the invaluable services and life-saving responsibilities that law enforcement officers undertake on a daily basis.

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