Home » President of the Spanish Federation will resign for kissing a player

President of the Spanish Federation will resign for kissing a player

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President of the Spanish Federation will resign for kissing a player

The president of Spanish soccer, Luis Rubiales, will present his resignation on Friday before an assembly of his federation called after the controversy he unleashed for having kissed one of the winners of the world title on the mouth, without consent, the media announced on Friday. Spanish people.

Rubiales, in charge of the Spanish Football Federation (RFEF), was the target of criticism from all sectors and has been losing support since he kissed Jennifer Hermoso by surprise after Spain’s victory over England last Sunday in Australia.

FIFA, the highest authority in world football, opened a disciplinary process against him on Thursday.

Contacted by AFP, the RFEF did not confirm this information and refused to comment.

On Tuesday afternoon, the RFEF called an assembly “urgently” for Friday and activated an internal investigation into the incident.

“Based on the latest events that occurred during the award ceremony for the Women’s World Cup won by the Spanish National Team last Sunday in Sydney, (…) the Federation’s internal proceedings regarding integrity issues are open,” the statement said. of the instance of Spanish football.

The Professional Women’s Soccer League demanded the disqualification of Rubiales and the acting head of Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez, called the forced kiss an “unacceptable” gesture.


FIFA announced on Thursday the opening of disciplinary proceedings against the president of the Spanish Football Federation Luis Rubiales for having forced a kiss on the mouth of the player Jenni Hermoso, after Sunday’s triumph in the World Cup final.

“These facts could constitute violations of articles 13.1 and 13.2 of the FIFA Disciplinary Code,” the international federation said.

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“FIFA reiterates its absolute commitment to respecting the integrity of all people and for the same reason it condemns with the greatest vigor any behavior to the contrary,” the institution said in a statement, specifying that “it will not offer more information about this disciplinary procedure until the adoption of a final decision on it”.

The disciplinary commission of the Zurich-based institution will not be able to decide on the continuity of Rubiales at the head of Spanish soccer, which meets on Friday in an extraordinary general assembly of the RFEF.

In television footage of the podium at the Sydney stadium on Sunday, just after the Spanish title, Luis Rubiales is seen holding attacker Jennifer Hermoso’s head with both hands, before unexpectedly kissing her on the mouth.

Since then, criticism has multiplied from all quarters worldwide and Rubiales’ permanence in office seems increasingly difficult.

On Wednesday, the player announced in a statement that she was letting her union, Futpro, take charge of her defense, which called for “exemplary measures” against Rubiales.

Futpro asked the RFEF, chaired by Rubiales, to “watch over the rights of our players.”

Rubiales, who initially insulted those who criticized him, apologized hours later in a video. “There is a fact that I have to regret and it is what has happened between me and a player, with a magnificent relationship between the two, as well as with others, and where I have surely made a mistake,” he said.

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