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President Petro orders the National Police to capture vote buyers – news

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President Petro orders the National Police to capture vote buyers – news

This Saturday, October 14, the country will be able to witness the annular solar eclipse. During this phenomenon, the moon will cover the center of the sun, creating a “ring of fire.” This experience will be unique, since when the moon completely blocks the sun, minutes of darkness will be experienced in the middle of the day, allowing the stars to reveal themselves in the sky.

Colombia has witnessed eclipses in the past: in 1991 when the moon darkened the sky, partial eclipses in 1998 and 2005 on the country’s northern coast, and the 2017 partial eclipse that was visible throughout the national territory. David Nicolás Castiblanco, laboratory coordinator of the School of Engineering, Science and Technology of the Universidad del Rosario, said that “the future holds more celestial phenomena for us: a total eclipse in the south of the country in 2028, one in the north in 2031 and another total eclipse in Bogotá in 2038.”

Solar eclipses, whether annular or total, remain important for comparing historical data and allow studies of celestial mechanics to be reviewed. For Raúl Joya, member of the Colombian Astronomical Network, “this is an important phenomenon, since curious things can be seen such as the comparison of the sizes of our natural satellite, the moon, compared to the solar disk of our sun, which is 400 times farther than her.

“On this occasion we will realize that with the distances that we know from each other, the moon will be seen with a smaller diameter than the sun since it will not be so close to us that it completely hides it and a total eclipse occurs,” he explained.

For Karina Sepúlveda, professor of astronomy at the Dean of the University Environment at the Universidad del Rosario, “this solar eclipse will be visible throughout Colombian territory, but its appearance will vary depending on location. In some cities, it will be seen as an annular eclipse, while in other parts it will be partial.”

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The cities where the solar eclipse can be observed will be Nuquí, Buga, Buenaventura, Armenia, Cali, Neiva, San Vicente del Caguán and La Pedrera (Amazonas). The further north or south of the annularity band you are, the smaller the percentage of the Sun that the Moon will cover. For example, in regions where the eclipse will be annular, the partiality will reach almost 90%. In Bogotá, a partiality of 88% will be experienced.

This is a special invitation to those who are in or moving towards the area known as the annularity, to try to observe the change in the percentage of illumination in their surroundings. They can verify if it decreases with respect to the moment before the beginning of the eclipse until it reaches its maximum. Then, they will be able to witness how this process is reversed.

According to Raul Joya, “they will also be able to notice if, with the change in luminosity, as in the case of total solar eclipses, nature reacts: birds and other species will take cover and seek refuge or rest.

“Generally there are variations in the thermal sensation, since at times of the sun’s annularity we will not receive 100% of its energy. Finally, it will be necessary to detail the observation of the alignment with the appropriate filter to be able to see the famous ring that is created, as it is a phenomenon that is difficult to see again,” he noted.

Be careful with your eyes!

Karina Sepúlveda, astronomy professor at the Universidad del Rosario, warns that during a partial or annular solar eclipse like this one, you cannot look directly at the sun at any time without using a certified solar filter. The only safe way is through special solar filters, such as eclipse glasses or portable solar viewers, which must comply with the international ISO 12312-2 certification.

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Alejandra de-la-Torre, ophthalmologist and professor at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences of the Universidad del Rosario, stated that seeing the ring of light directly and without adequate protection can cause irreparable damage to vision.

“The damage occurs due to the great sensitivity that retinal cells have to light, ultraviolet and infrared rays, which can produce photochemical injury or molecular damage due to oxidation of proteins and nucleic acids to the receptors of the retina and the pigmented epithelium, in addition to photothermal by increasing the temperature in the retina by 4 degrees,” he explained.

“These cells are called photoreceptors and those found mainly in the central part of the retina are very sensitive to light rays. The retina is an inner layer of light-sensitive tissue located in the back of the eyeball, which converts images into electrical signals and sends them through the optic nerve to the brain,” added the ophthalmologist.

“The central part of the retina, called the macula, is responsible for fine vision, details and colors. The central part of the macula, called the fovea, is what provides the best and most detailed vision. For this reason, damage to the central part of the macula produces central blindness, which is damage to the central visual field, colors, and details,” he explained.

The ophthalmologist and professor at the Universidad del Rosario issued an invitation to take care of your eyes during the eclipse and to use adequate protection to observe this natural phenomenon without risking your vision for a moment of curiosity.

Tips for taking care of your eyes and the proper use of filters, glasses and visors

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– Under no circumstances observe the eclipse directly without adequate protection.

– Before and after each solar observation, check the condition of the filter. If damaged or deteriorated, discard immediately.

– Cover your eyes before and after looking at the sun with glasses and do not remove them during observation.

– If you use formulated glasses, it is important to place the filter in front of them.

– Do not look at the sun through any optical instrument without the appropriate filter, such as cameras, telescopes or binoculars.

– If you do not have certified filters, glasses or viewers, you can observe the solar eclipse indirectly through a pinhole projector.

Source: Universidad del Rosario

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