Home » President Yoon meets with US McCarthy… Asks to ‘Support ROK-US alliance’

President Yoon meets with US McCarthy… Asks to ‘Support ROK-US alliance’

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President Yoon meets with US McCarthy… Asks to ‘Support ROK-US alliance’

▲President Yoon Seok-yeol meets former Speaker of the US House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy and shakes arms on the Presidential Office Building in Yongsan, Seoul on the twenty second. (yunhap information)

The Presidential Office introduced that President Yoon Seok-yeol met with former US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on the twenty second.

President Yoon mentioned on the assembly, “Former Chairman McCarthy has lengthy been an necessary determine within the US Congress, embodying the need of the US Congress to enhance Korea-US relations and peace and prosperity within the area.”

He then requested, “Please give your unwavering assist in order that the ‘Global Comprehensive Strategic Alliance’ primarily based on widespread values ​​between Korea and the United States can proceed to increase its scope with the complete assist of the US Congress.”

President Yoon additionally expressed his gratitude for the invitation to present a joint speech to the US Senate and the House of Representatives throughout his go to to the United States in April final yr.

Former Speaker McCarthy mentioned, “As Speaker of the House, it was an honor to take part in President Yoon’s significant speech to the House and Senate,” including, “I pay tribute to President Yoon’s unwavering imaginative and prescient and management for the event of the ROK-US alliance, and I’ll proceed to assist the ROK- US

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