Home » Press release|”Six Priorities” for medical treatment, “One policy for life” for admission, high-quality services to help talents develop with peace of mind

Press release|”Six Priorities” for medical treatment, “One policy for life” for admission, high-quality services to help talents develop with peace of mind

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Press release|”Six Priorities” for medical treatment, “One policy for life” for admission, high-quality services to help talents develop with peace of mind

February 24, 2023 20:19:34

Source: Leading News·Heilongjiang Daily

Author: Liu Li

What are the concerns of the “30 New Talent Deals” regarding the guarantee of medical services for high-level talents? What should be done for the children of talents to enter Harbin? On February 24th, the Harbin Municipal Government Information Office held the second policy interpretation conference of “30 New Talent Deals”, Luan Feng, director of the Harbin Municipal Health and Health Commission, and Zhang Guoming, full-time deputy secretary of the Harbin Municipal Education Work Committee, respectively gave answers.

Luan Feng answers questions from reporters

Luan Feng said that the Harbin Municipal Health Commission provides comprehensive medical care services for high-level talents in accordance with the provincial “60 Articles of Talent Revitalization” and Harbin City’s “30 Articles of Talent New Deal”, and expands vertically to public hospitals at all levels and horizontally to ” Migratory Birds” talent. Introduced “six priority” medical treatment services, including priority registration, priority treatment, priority inspection, priority payment, priority to get medicine, priority to arrange hospitalization, set up a reception desk for high-level talents, and service specialists will accompany you one-on-one throughout the process. Select a doctor with a deputy director or above to receive consultations; establish three types of health files, red, yellow, and green, based on the physical examination of high-level talents, and provide guidance based on different situations, from health intervention in green files, timely prevention in yellow files to guided treatment in red files , to provide meticulous, thoughtful, efficient and convenient medical care services to the greatest extent, and to ensure the health and safety of talents to the greatest extent.

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Zhang Guoming answers questions

Zhang Guoming said that after the promulgation of the “30 new policies for talents”, the Harbin Education Bureau formulated the “Implementation Rules for the Enrollment of Children of High-level Talents in Harbin” to sort out and refine the work process and formulate a flow chart for the enrollment of children of high-level talents in Harbin. The children of high-level talents in Harbin who are studying in kindergartens, primary schools, and junior high schools will be placed in the nearest preferential overall arrangement (enrollment) in accordance with the “Implementation Rules” and on the basis of individual applications, without increasing the number of large classes and schools. If the children of high-level talents who are studying in high schools in other places apply to transfer to Harbin, according to the principle of the same level as the original high school, they will be given priority for admission according to regulations and coordination.

Harbin City will further increase security and provide services in three aspects. The first is to do a good job in admission placement services. Convene the city’s primary and secondary school enrollment work conferences and enrollment work training meetings at all levels, establish and improve the liaison officer system, guide education administrative departments at all levels and schools to specify specific personnel to be responsible, and ensure that liaison officers at the city, district, and school levels can accurately implement the admission policy for talented children , Improve the effectiveness of service personnel. The second is to do a good job in policy publicity services. Open consultation telephones for education administrative departments at all levels, make full use of new media, strengthen the publicity of admission policies for children of high-level talents, and let high-level talents understand preferential policies and procedures. At the same time, actively do a good job in policy interpretation and strive for the understanding and support of the society. The third is to do a good job in enrollment tracking services. Implement “one policy for a lifetime”, guide schools to establish a service account for talented children, strengthen services for the learning, life, and thinking of talented children after entering school, carry out home-school cooperation, collaborative education, and effectively improve the quality of educational services for talented children.

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The education administrative departments at all levels will continue to do a good job in the enrollment services for the children of high-level talents, create a good environment for attracting and gathering talents with high-quality education services, and attract more high-level talents to settle down in Kazakhstan and develop their businesses. ‍

Reporter: Liu Li

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