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Price speculation and manipulated scales alert consumers – DIARIO CRONICA

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Price speculation and manipulated scales alert consumers – DIARIO CRONICA

Control operations carried out by the Police Department.

The General Police Administration continues with the execution of price control operations on products that are not subject to the increase in VAT from 12% to 15%. The authorities urge the population to report any irregularities.


Enma Santamaría, Mayor of Police in Loja, highlighted that they are constantly carrying out control operations in stores, food markets and supermarkets – in the 16 cantons of the province of Loja – in order to prevent speculative practices. In addition, she pointed out that those citizens who detect irregularities can go to the Mayor’s offices or contact them by phone at 2570270, extension 221.

In this context, he pointed out that they have received very important citizen alerts about products such as diapers and sanitary napkins, which have been exempt from VAT since 2021. Therefore, he emphasized that there should not be a price increase.

Likewise, he stated that, in food products such as rice, potatoes, vegetables, eggs, oil, fruits, among others – which are not subject to the increase in VAT – the Municipality will rigorously follow what is stipulated by law to impose the corresponding sanctions on those who fail to comply with what is established.

In addition, he highlighted the work they do through the operations, since, in his opinion, it is essential that merchants display the price list and have scales in optimal conditions and correctly calibrated to guarantee transparency. Regarding the latter, precisely, he reported that during the last week they detected anomalies in some scales, which is why they proceeded to withdraw them from circulation, thus strengthening control and consumer protection measures. (YO)

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