Home » Principal Officials of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: U.S. dialects and deeds are really absurd and unreasonable, and companies have no wave of confidence in Hong Kong

Principal Officials of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: U.S. dialects and deeds are really absurd and unreasonable, and companies have no wave of confidence in Hong Kong

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Original Title: Principal Officials of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: US dialects and deeds are really absurd and unreasonable, and companies have no wave of confidence in Hong Kong

Xinhua News Agency, Hong Kong, July 17 (Reporter Zhou Wenqi) In response to the US government’s concocting the so-called “commercial warning” and the fallacy of the US Secretary of State regarding Hong Kong’s National Security Law, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Carrie Lam and other key officials said on the 17th that the US dialects and actions are absurd Unreasonable, highlighting the nature of its double standards and bullying. There is ample evidence that Hong Kong’s status as an international financial center remains unchanged, and the confidence of enterprises in doing business in Hong Kong remains unchanged.

Many SAR officials believe that Hong Kong’s national security law has played an important role in maintaining Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability. The U.S.’s so-called deteriorating business environment in Hong Kong is purely false.

Carrie Lam said that under the support of the rule of law and a sound regulatory system, Hong Kong is an open and free economy. Relevant statistics show that Hong Kong’s status as an international financial center remains unchanged, and the confidence of enterprises in doing business in Hong Kong remains unchanged. We urge the United States to treat Hong Kong matters in an honest and fair manner. Many American companies and individuals have developed in Hong Kong and benefited from it. The United States should not intimidate them with the so-called “business warning”, but should consider how to promote this mutually beneficial relationship.

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The Chief Secretary for Administration of the Special Administrative Region Government Li Jiachao said that the Hong Kong National Security Law has played a key role in the past year since its promulgation and implementation. The restoration of social stability in Hong Kong and national security risks under control will help maintain a favorable business and investment environment and promote economic development and prosperity. The US’s unreasonable accusations and hype about Hong Kong’s business environment are purely innocent and alarmist.

The Financial Secretary of the Special Administrative Region Government, Chen Maobo, pointed out that the financial data of the past year clearly shows that investors’ confidence in Hong Kong has not been shaken by the Hong Kong National Security Law. Over the past year, Hong Kong’s IPO funds raised exceeded 500 billion Hong Kong dollars, an increase of more than 50% over the previous 12 months; the average daily turnover of Hong Kong stocks reached 160 billion Hong Kong dollars, nearly 70% higher than before the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law; the linked exchange rate system was also It is functioning well, and the Hong Kong dollar market has recorded a net inflow of funds in 2020.

Many officials strongly condemned the so-called “sanctions” imposed by the United States on the seven deputy directors of the Liaison Office in Hong Kong. Chen Maobo stated that the unilateral implementation of so-called “sanctions” by foreign governments does not conform to international law and has no legal effect in Hong Kong.

The Department of Justice of the Special Administrative Region Government pointed out in a statement that the so-called “sanctions” of the United States violated the principle of non-interference under international law, were not the actions of civilized countries, and hindered international peace and stability. In the face of international violations, countries have reasons to take countermeasures or other measures in response to violations of the principle of non-interference. Therefore, countermeasures taken by the central government are legal and accepted by international law.

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“The US bullying has repeatedly shown that it is extremely necessary for us to take decisive measures to maintain national security. Without security, there will be no prosperity and stability. National security is the key to safeguarding the business environment in Hong Kong. The SAR government will comprehensively deepen the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law. Continue to work hard to consolidate the effect of Hong Kong’s national security law.” Li Jiachao said. (Finish)Return to Sohu to see more


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