Home » Ratification Mes: Lagarde presses on Rome. Crosetto criticizes interest rates

Ratification Mes: Lagarde presses on Rome. Crosetto criticizes interest rates

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Ratification Mes: Lagarde presses on Rome.  Crosetto criticizes interest rates

“We hope that Italy will quickly ratify the reform of the Mes”, as it is an integral part of the completion of the banking union. The president of the ECB said so Christine Lagardereferring to the eventuality that the country finds itself to be the only one who has not ratified the reform after the green light from the German Constitutional Court.

Lagarde explained that, as regards the relationship between the Mes and the OMT, the ECB bond purchase program devised under the presidency of Mario Draghi which requires the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Mes, failure to ratify would not have impact on the possibility of activating the OMT if necessary.

«Lagarde – says the head of the economy of the Democratic Party to ANSA – Antonio Missionary – he woke up the government and in particular the minister Giorgetti, who yesterday in the Chamber on the Mes – to use one of the football metaphors so dear to the owner of the Mef – had thrown the ball into the stands. The time for the melina is over. It is time for the government to assume its responsibilities, abandoning the ideological positions of the past and ratifying a treaty which it is in Italy’s national interest to make operational soon”.

Giorgetti: Mes unpopular, changed context, must be changed

in a question time in the Chamber yesterday Giorgetti had expressed the government’s reservations on the European Stability Mechanism. «The Mes – he said – appears to be an institution in crisis and for the moment in search of a vocation. Partly its fault, partly not, it’s an unpopular institution. None of the European countries wanted to ask for your health credit line. Therefore, the current structure of the Treaty establishing the Mes appears not to take into account the different reference context and it seems appropriate that, upstream, modifications are evaluated.

«Saying No to the Mes means going against the interests of the Italians. And anyone who has anything to do with healthcare knows that the money from the healthcare Mes is like bread. Yes to the Mes, immediately ». Like this Matthew Renzi their twitter.

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