Home » Rave party Viterbo, Lamorgese: “Without the controls there would have been 30,000”

Rave party Viterbo, Lamorgese: “Without the controls there would have been 30,000”

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A hot appointment, the one in the Montecitorio courtroom, for Luciana Lamorgese after the new, heavy accusations by Matteo Salvini in terms of security, terrorism and violence against women. And after the flash mob in Montecitorio by Fratelli d’Italia to point out the increase in illegal immigration, illegal rave parties, poor control of the territory and to ask for his resignation. The Minister of the Interior, called to respond and to curb the controversies, both of the opposition but above all those within the same government majority, in the classroom retorted blow by blow.

The rave party in the Viterbo area
Interrupted by the classroom disputes during her speech, Lamorgese addressed the issue of the illegal party in the Viterbo area. “The reinforcements on the site of the rave amounted to 900 units: on the 19th there were 300 additional units on the site”, said the ministrom who specified: there was monitoring by the police on the campers moving on the Aurelia since 13 August, not an escort as has been improperly reported. “The control services of the police forces”, said the minister, “prevented up to 30 thousand people from gathering in the rave area”. There were children, added Lamorgese, carrying out an eviction would have been dangerous.

“In Italy”, Lamorgese continued, “there have been many raves in the past with significant demonstrations in participatory terms: in 2016 and 2017. Only in 2020, the year of the onset of the pandemic, there were no events of this kind. Nevertheless, in previous years, in 2018 and 2019, some raves were held and, as happened in Turin, with concentrations of up to 5 thousand people “. In none of these events, the minister concluded, “was it decided to intervene by force unless circumstances of time and place were able to allow it, especially related to the number of participants”.

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The minister’s words do not seem sufficient for the League. “Minister, we entered the Draghi government to see the discontinuity with respect to the previous government, so change course because otherwise, in this way, we cannot go forward” declared the leader of the Lega Riccardo Molinari.

“Today you have shown what you are worth as a minister and this majority has shown itself as it is: divided on these issues. So take note of your failure and resign, ”said Francesco Lollobrigda, head of the FdI group in the Chamber, in his speech.

“We are sure that you minister have done everything you could, but I think you recognize that something has not worked. Salvini’s party is now asking her to resign but she had nothing to say when there were other raves when Salvini was at the Viminale », declared Marco Di Maio, group leader of Italia viva. “We are firmly at his side.”

The aggression in Rimini
Another thorny issue, the recent attack in Rimini by a young Somali who injured four people and a child. “I state that the young man did not act for purposes attributable to terrorism, but the violence seems to be attributable to a strong alteration of the state of psychological equilibrium which until then had been expressed in verbal rather than physical aggression”, declared the minister . “The Somali is a subject with no police history. As for the dispersion of that migrant in the Italian territory, it must be said that this condition is not detectable with his entry into the national territory but is rooted in the pilgrimage of the same subject in different EU countries. He made his first entry into Germany in 2015. On the occasion of the various passages in the EU countries, the Somali has always presented an application for international protection. It arrived in Italy on August 9 this year. Duula Somale went to the police station to ask for international protection. On these occasions, an activity of taking charge of the foreigner is immediately activated “which pertains to” an inescapable international obligation and cannot be derogated from in any way by the receiving State “.

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