Home » Rebirth process, asked for thousands of years in prison – Calabria

Rebirth process, asked for thousands of years in prison – Calabria

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Rebirth process, asked for thousands of years in prison – Calabria

The prosecution has requested 17 years for the former MP Pittelli

(ANSA) – CATANZARO, JUNE 07 – The prosecutor of Catanzaro Nicola Gratteri requested sentences of thousands of years in prison at the conclusion of the indictment in the Rinascita Scott trial against alleged leaders and followers of the ‘Ndrangheta gangs of Vibonese and white-collar politicians , entrepreneurs, accused of having favored the ‘ndrine. The reading of the requests is still in progress but already after the first 100 names, of the 343 defendants, the number of years requested is over 1,300. For the main defendant, the lawyer and former Forza Italia MP Giancarlo Pittelli, the sentence request was 17 years in prison.
Among other things, Gratteri asked for a sentence of 1 year and 6 months for the former regional councilor Luigi Incarnato, president of the PSI National Council; at 20 for the former regional councilor of Calabria Pietro Giamborino, considered by the Dda of Catanzaro a full-fledged member of the Piscopio clan; at 17 for Michele Marinaro, a former financier in service at Dia di Catanzaro; at the age of 8 for the colonel of the carabinieri Giorgio Naselli. Gratteri also called for the conviction of the former mayor of Pizzo Gianluca Callipo to 18 years and for the former commander of the municipal police of Pizzo Filippo Nesci to 6 years.
The heaviest sentences, 30 years, were requested, among others, for bosses Domenico and Pasquale Bonavota, the latter captured a few weeks ago on the run in Genoa, for the boss of San Gregorio d’Ippona Saverio Razionale and for the alleged boss of Vibo Valentia Paolino Lo Bianco.

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Few had believed in this trial, due to the mass of defendants, due to the college from a young age. There was a sort of cheer for this process not to be celebrated, but it took place with serenity and if there were moments of tension it’s normal, it’s the salt of the process “. Catanzaro prosecutor Nicola Gratteri said it, starting to speak at the conclusion of the indictment conducted for about 3 weeks by the prosecutors of the Catanzaro DDA Annamaria Frustaci, Antonio De Bernardo and Andrea Mancuso The prosecutor then began reading the charges with the requests for the 343 defendants.

There are a total of 322 requests for conviction made by the Catanzaro prosecutor Nicola Gratteri at the conclusion of the indictment in the Rinascita Scott trial against the 338 defendants. The magistrate also asked for nine acquittals and the nullity of the deed that orders the trial or the prescription for three others.

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