Home » Samsung vs. Apple: Who will win the blood sugar measurement race? | News

Samsung vs. Apple: Who will win the blood sugar measurement race? | News

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Samsung vs. Apple: Who will win the blood sugar measurement race?  |  News

Thu, 08:32·Other·meAfter Apple, Samsung also wants to move further into the health sector and recently presented the new “Galaxy Ring” in an announcement, which advertises activity and sleep tracking. Additional health functions will follow at a later date. As if that weren’t enough, Suwon would also like to equip earplugs with appropriate technology as soon as possible to record data such as body temperature and heart rate. Since the heart is more closely linked to the ear than to the wrist, the accuracy of the measurement could benefit from this.

The race remains a snail race
Head of Mobile Digital Health, Honk Pak said in this regard in an interview: “When it comes to continuous blood pressure and blood sugar measurement, we are in a completely different league.” He thinks it is a goal that many are currently striving for and noted that Samsung is making “significant investments” in it. Each area is examined thoroughly, from miniaturization to the platforms that can benefit from it. Pak has not yet been able to give a firm timeline for the undertaking. However, he assumed a 5-year time frame to bring non-invasive glucose monitoring to market in “some form.”

Apple still a step ahead (?)
The state of the art is to make do with a puncture in the skin so that current blood glucose meters can determine the blood sugar level. Apple has been researching non-invasive use for more than ten years. So far it looks like Cupertino has made great progress and is increasing the pressure on the competition. But, as in the case of Samsung, it doesn’t seem to be sleeping. A solution for blood pressure measurement has already been brought onto the market, but a separate blood pressure monitor is needed to calibrate the South Korean company’s smartwatches from time to time. According to reports, the Apple Watch 10, which will be released this year, could also be equipped with such a sensor. However, it can be assumed that no exact measured values ​​are spit out here, but only a warning in the event of excessive pressure.

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