Home » San Benigno Canavese, asked for money from the NRR for a new school canteen

San Benigno Canavese, asked for money from the NRR for a new school canteen

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San Benigno Canavese, asked for money from the NRR for a new school canteen

Child in a school canteen (archive)

Primary and secondary school today served for lunch from the kindergarten The project of the Municipality is a half kitchen for the two

SAN BENIGNO CANAVESE. The Municipality of San Benigno wants to build a school canteen for primary and lower secondary schools using funds from the NRP, mission 4. For this reason, it has approved the relative technical-economic feasibility study, in order to apply for funding.

Currently the kitchen for the Sambenignesi schools is located at the nursery school where the dishes are then served directly to the students of the complex. The same kitchen also prepares the meals for the other two complexes where they are transported daily to be consumed in two dining rooms. The buildings housing the primary and secondary schools are approximately 1.5 km from the kitchen. The new project relates to the construction of two canteens within a new building to be foreseen on the northern limit of the courtyard of the primary and secondary schools with an adjoining kitchen.

The two administration rooms will be connected to the respective buildings of relevance by means of reduced slope ramps to overcome the present difference in height. In order to improve the canteen service and to enhance the training offer, in compliance with the indications received from the didactic direction, covered outdoor spaces have been provided adjacent to the refectories that can allow the consumption of outdoor meals in the summer, in line with the ongoing projects on educational gardens. Both administration rooms are equipped with exclusive toilets. It will also be possible to optimize emissions related to transport which will be more than halved, in consideration of the smaller number of kindergarten students compared to the other two. All the kitchen equipment is expected to be electric, including induction burners, with self-production of the necessary energy by means of the installation of the photovoltaic panels on the roof and with the construction of a storage system. The total amount of the work amounts to 1,680,000 euros.

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