Home » Shanxi: Keep in mind the entrustment, be grateful, forge ahead and take responsibility as a real effort_黄河新闻网

Shanxi: Keep in mind the entrustment, be grateful, forge ahead and take responsibility as a real effort_黄河新闻网

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Provincial departments convey the spirit of studying and implementing the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s inspection of Shanxi

Keep in mind the entrustment, be grateful, forge ahead and take responsibility as a real work

In the past few days, various departments directly under the provincial government conveyed the spirit of studying and implementing the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping in our province’s inspection and listening to the spirit of the important speech when listening to the work reports of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, conveying the spirit of learning from the enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Theoretical Learning Center The spirit of the group study meeting, the exchange of learning experience, combined with the actual work, made specific arrangements for the implementation of the study and implementation of the unit and the system. Everyone agreed that the important instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection in our province were high-level, broad-minded, profound in thought, earnest in words, and highly political, strategic, instructive, and pertinent. To better serve the overall situation of the province pointed out the way forward and provided a fundamental follow-up. Everyone unanimously stated that it is necessary to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s inspection of Shanxi’s important instructions as the most important political task at present, as an important content of in-depth theme education, keep in mind entrustment, be grateful and forge ahead, take responsibility, and work hard to promote Party members and cadres Transform the radiant enthusiasm for learning into a firm ideal, temper the party spirit, guide practice, and promote the powerful force and actual results of work.

On May 19, the Political Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee held a meeting (expanded) meeting and a theoretical study meeting of the central group, pointing out that it is the most important political task at present to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s inspection of Shanxi’s important instructions, and promote the theme The education should go deep and solid, and further enhance the motivation of gratitude, forge ahead, unite and work hard. It is necessary to effectively grasp powerful ideological weapons, use scientific thinking methods, comprehensively improve various capabilities, closely integrate with work reality, focus on the urgent, difficult and anxious issues of the masses to carry out more in-depth and detailed investigations and research, focus on small incisions and large traction to put forward policy recommendations more accurately and effectively, Focus on the key reform tasks of the year and implement the reform more systematically and collaboratively, promote the organic integration and integration of research work, policy recommendations, and deepening reform, promote the overall improvement of the quality and efficiency of the overall work of the office, and contribute to the goal of “two basic realizations” Wisdom and strength.

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On May 19, the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Provincial Office Affairs Administration carried out collective learning. The meeting emphasized that efforts should be made to improve the modernization level of the institutional affairs governance system and governance capabilities, and promote comprehensive and in-depth reforms in management, services, and guarantees. It is necessary to take multiple measures to do a good job in the “big article” of energy conservation and consumption reduction in public institutions, effectively implement conservation strategies, advocate green consumption, and promote resource conservation and intensive use. It is necessary to solidly promote rural revitalization, and do a good job in village assistance and consumption assistance. It is necessary to strengthen the guidance and supervision of the government affairs departments of cities and counties, comprehensively benchmark the State Administration Bureau and the Central Administration Bureau, learn from the typical experience and practices of other provinces and cities, and ensure that they are always in the forefront of the country. It is necessary to carry out in-depth theme education, do a good job in centralized and unified management, service guarantee, and practical work for the people, so as to ensure that the overall theme education is carried out with high standards and high quality, and continues to go deep and solid.

On May 19, the party group of the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security held a meeting to convey learning. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to combine the study and implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s inspection of Shanxi’s important instructions with the specific work of human resources and social security, and really work hard on practicality and excellence. It is necessary to firmly establish the concept of the masses, correct their attitudes, improve their style of work, focus on people’s livelihood concerns, implement precise policies and make precise efforts, effectively solve people’s worries, relieve people’s hardships, warm people’s hearts, and continuously enhance the people’s sense of gain, happiness, and security. It is necessary to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s inspection of Shanxi’s important instructions and combine them with the in-depth thematic education of the human resources and social security departments, so as to truly achieve practical results in building the soul with learning, increasing wisdom with learning, correcting the style with learning, and promoting performance with learning. It is necessary to take this theme education as an opportunity to focus on solving the difficulties and blocking points in the work, and to test the results of theme education with the new results of promoting high-quality development.

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On May 23, the Military-civilian Integration Office of the Provincial Party Committee held a meeting to convey learning. The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s inspection of Shanxi’s important instructions as the most important political task at present, as an important content of in-depth theme education, and to deeply understand the powerful truth and practical power of Xi Jinping’s socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era , with a high degree of self-consciousness to more firmly support the “two establishments” and resolutely achieve the “two maintenances”, we will work hard on comprehensive study, comprehensive grasp, and comprehensive implementation, and see real results. It is necessary to resolutely implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s major requirements on building a modern industrial system, closely focus on our province’s strategic emerging industries and future industrial development directions, vigorously promote the construction of a national defense science and technology industry innovation system, and accelerate the depth of the innovation chain industry chain capital chain talent chain Integration, and make greater contributions to promoting high-quality development and accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system.

On May 19, the Theory Center Group of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Bureau of Letters and Calls studied the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s inspection of Shanxi. It is pointed out that it is necessary to accurately study and judge the situation of letters and visits, scientifically identify risk trends, take the initiative to resolve conflicts and prevent risks, and continuously enhance the forward-looking, pertinence, and effectiveness of work. It is necessary to fully implement the “Regulations on the Work of Letters and Visits”, standardize the order of letters and visits in accordance with the law, deepen the reform of the system and mechanism of letters and visits work, explore the reengineering of the letter and visit business process, strictly enforce the procedures for handling letters and visits, and effectively improve the standardization, standardization, and legalization of letter and visit work. It is necessary to carry out in-depth investigation of hidden dangers of conflicts and disputes, focus on preventing the source of complaints, effectively solve outstanding problems in complaints, and take practical actions to fulfill the political responsibility of “solving difficulties for the people and sharing worries for the party” to create harmony and stability for the economic and social development of the province. social environment.

Recently, the Provincial Women’s Federation held a meeting to convey learning. The meeting requested that the women’s federations at all levels in the province should study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s inspection of Shanxi as the most important political task at present, as an important content of thematic education, continuously improve political ability, thinking ability, and practical ability, and take the initiative to make the women’s federation The work is deployed and carried out in the overall situation of building a new development pattern and promoting the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Shanxi. Based on the functions of the Women’s Federation, give full play to the advantages of the Women’s Federation, further expand the series of women’s activities, better play the role of the executive committee of the Women’s Federation at the grassroots level and the role of female volunteers, and unite and lead the majority of women in the protection and utilization of cultural relics, cultural heritage protection, ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin Take responsibility and make contributions, use the new practice to help promote transformation and development, test the educational achievements of the theme, and repay the care and love of General Secretary Xi Jinping with new achievements in the work of the Women’s Federation.

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On May 22, the Provincial Overseas Chinese Federation held a meeting to convey learning. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to effectively transform the results of study and implementation into new ideas, new ideas, and new measures for doing a good job. It is necessary to combine the actual work of the Overseas Chinese Federation and focus on major tasks such as inheriting and carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, the overall revitalization of the countryside, and high-level opening up to the outside world, and strive to promote the application of the “International Cultural Exchange Base for Overseas Chinese in China”, give full play to the role of the exchange base, and strengthen the cultural brand of the Overseas Chinese Federation Construction; carry out a series of activities of “Overseas Chinese and Rural Revitalization”, solidly promote the implementation of the activities, and achieve results; give full play to the unique role, pioneer and innovate in overseas friendship, attracting capital and intelligence, and serving overseas Chinese, and deepen the “Double Recruitment” The construction of the “Double Citation” platform has extensively united and gathered the strength of the overseas Chinese community, and contributed to the overall situation of serving the province’s high-quality development. (Yan Shumin Gao Jianhua Yang Wenjun Guo Ning Deng Weiqiang)

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