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Shiyan Mayor Presides Over Executive Meeting to Discuss Economic Progress and Future Plans

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Shiyan City Government Plans Economic Work and Development Targets for Second Half of the Year

Qinchu.com – Shiyan Headlines

Reporter Min Bo and Liu Min reported: On July 20, at an executive meeting of the municipal government, Wang Yonghui, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, presided over discussions on the city’s economic performance in the first half of the year and charted a course for economic work in the second half of the year. The meeting also reviewed several important documents, including those concerning the construction of green and sustainable development pilot areas, the enhancement of grassroots emergency management capabilities, the strong county project, the development of new battery industries, and the comprehensive management of small watersheds.

The meeting acknowledged that despite the pressures faced in the first half of the year, the city’s economy has shown signs of recovery and improvement. Key economic indicators have stabilized and demonstrated positive trends.

Looking towards the second half of the year, the meeting emphasized the need for steady growth and strong confidence. The city aims to catch up with and surpass its annual goals and tasks. Efforts will be focused on key areas, key links, and key indicators that have a significant impact on economic performance. To achieve this, the government plans to strengthen research, analysis, scheduling, and policy implementation. Market players will be cultivated and strengthened to create a development pattern that combines a top-down approach with overwhelming market force. These measures are aimed at fueling high-quality economic growth.

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Additionally, the meeting outlined the importance of promoting transformation and enhancing advantages. The development of a modern industrial system, with “one main, four excellent, and multi-support” features, is expected to help realize breakthroughs and generate a positive impact throughout the entire region, particularly with Wudang Mountain leading the way. The focus will be on expanding investments, seizing development opportunities, and rapidly executing projects. The government will prioritize exemplary projects and work closely with investors to ensure their successful implementation. Moreover, a concerted effort will be made to tap into the potential of the city’s consumption sector, with the goal of enhancing both domestic and international markets. This will be achieved through well-planned promotional activities, the issuance of consumer vouchers, and strategic publicity campaigns to boost consumption and ignite economic growth.

The meeting also highlighted the importance of reform and environment optimization. Business environments will be refined and cost control measures will be implemented to improve the ease of doing business. Policies and measures will be developed to address corporate financing challenges. Protecting water resources and enhancing ecological sustainability are important objectives, necessitating the continued comprehensive management of river basins. The government aims to ensure that clean water resources are continually available for the region’s development. Furthermore, efforts will be directed towards improving people’s livelihoods through rural construction projects and strengthening public services. Ensuring safety and stability are also prioritized to prevent and resolve major risks, maintain social harmony, and guarantee a peaceful and contented living and working environment for the people.

During the meeting, the attendees deliberated and reached a preliminary agreement on several key documents, including the “Decision on Accelerating the Construction of a Green and Sustainable Development Pioneer Zone (Draft for Review)”, “Opinions on Strengthening the City’s Grassroots Emergency Management Capability Construction (Draft for Review)”, “Shiyan City’s Implementation Plan for Promoting Strong County Projects (Draft for Review)”, “Implementation Plan for the City’s Small Watershed Comprehensive Treatment Pilot (Draft for Review)”, “Three-Year Action Plan for Breakthrough Development of New Battery Industry in Shiyan City (2023-2025) (Draft for Review)”, and “Deepening the Reform of Shiyan City’s Professional Title System (Draft for Review)”. Additionally, a revised draft of the “Shiyan City South-to-North Water Transfer Project Fund Management Measures” was also discussed.

Prior to the meeting, the attendees conducted an in-depth analysis of typical cases involving administrative losses.

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(Responsible editor: Luo Liangbin News material: 8110110 Copyright Notice)

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