Home » Manuel Mijares Surprised by Lucero’s Breakup with Michel Kuri

Manuel Mijares Surprised by Lucero’s Breakup with Michel Kuri

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Manuel Mijares Surprised by Lucero’s Breakup with Michel Kuri

Title: Lucero and Michel Kuri Announce Breakup, Surprising Manuel Mijares

Subtitle: Amidst tour, Mijares caught off guard by Lucero’s split with businessman

Lucero, popularly known as “The Bride of America,” shocked fans when she took to social media on July 12th to announce her split from longtime partner Michel Kuri. The news came as a surprise to her ex-husband, Manuel Mijares, who was in the middle of touring with Lucero at the time and seemingly unaware of the relationship’s demise.

With the singers currently having to be together for rehearsals, shows, and interviews, speculation about a possible reconciliation quickly spread. However, during an interview with Pablo Aguilera upon his arrival in Chile for a concert, Mijares appeared bewildered when questioned about Lucero’s newfound bachelorhood.

Upon being informed that Lucero was now single, Mijares replied, “She arrives single? Where? And that?” The presenter continued to probe, wondering how Lucero could be single while in Chile. Unwilling to comment further, Mijares refrained from engaging in discussions about a possible reconciliation.

It was Lucero herself who clarified her single status, emphasizing that being single does not equate to rekindling a romance with her ex-husband. She stated, “Yes, but no. People who are single, are single, and that’s it.” The actress and singer, best remembered for her iconic role in “Soy tu dueña,” added that maintaining a good friendship allowed them to collaborate on stage once again as the beloved musical duo they were in their marriage.

A few days earlier, Lucero had also addressed rumors about rekindling her relationship with Manuel, which ended over a decade ago. She firmly stated her preference for being single or reconciling with Michel Kuri, further dispelling any notions of a reunion.

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As both singers have shared, their relationship has significantly improved since their divorce, with their children acting as a key bond between them. On the evening of July 12th, Lucero and Michel Kuri issued a joint statement announcing their separation after a decade together. They attributed their decision to the demands of their respective work commitments, expressing that although their time apart would be temporary, they wished to safeguard the deep love they still share.

The romance between Lucero and Michel Kuri began after being introduced by a mutual friend. Initially, they intended to remain friends, but over time their bond grew stronger, eventually resulting in a committed relationship. Lucero often referred to Kuri as her “eternal boyfriend,” as both preferred to cherish their romance without the need for marriage. They expressed a desire to continue being “boyfriends” for the rest of their lives, embracing their unique circumstances and age.

While Lucero and Kuri have hit a temporary pause in their relationship, leaving room for a possible reconciliation in the future, fans eagerly await further updates regarding the personal lives of these beloved Mexican artists.

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