Home » Silvio Berlusconi, former Italian prime minister who survived all kinds of scandals, has died

Silvio Berlusconi, former Italian prime minister who survived all kinds of scandals, has died

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Silvio Berlusconi, former Italian prime minister who survived all kinds of scandals, has died

Aged 86, the former owner of Milan also suffered from leukemia.

Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi died at Milan’s San Raffaele hospital from long-term leukemia, Italian media reported today.

Berlusconi, 86, had been admitted last Friday to undergo a series of “scheduled” checks for his leukemia, and with his death a key figure in Italy’s political life disappears.

At the moment there is no official confirmation, but according to the same sources, the death occurred this morning, shortly after his five children and his brother, Paolo, went to the hospital.

That raised all the alarms about his state of health, which worsened last night.

Paolo and Berlcusconi’s eldest daughter, Marina, were the first to arrive at the medical center at around 9:30 a.m. (7:30 GMT), where they joined their partner, Marta Fascina, 53 years his junior and who has always remained by his side, and later by his other children, Eleonora, Barbara, Pier Silvio and Luigi.

Last Friday, his doctors assured that Berlusconi had been admitted to the San Raffaele Hospital to undergo “scheduled controls for his known hematological pathology” and that his admission did not respond “to any critical aspect or alarm.”

Berlusconi thus returned to the hospital three weeks after being discharged, after spending 44 days hospitalized for pneumonia aggravated by leukemia that, according to what his medical team revealed at the time, had been suffering for a long time.

During that time he was accompanied at all times by his girlfriend, the deputy Marta Fascina, 53 years younger, and received visits from his closest collaborators, from his partners, such as Giorgia Meloni, and from his family, such as his five children, as well as many friends.

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From the hospital, the tycoon even appeared in two videos: one to encourage Italians to vote in local elections and another to intervene in his party’s convention, in which he claimed to be “ready” to return to battle. .

The medical report from his trusted doctor, Alberto Zangrillo, revealed that Berlusconi was being treated for a “lung infection” caused by “a chronic hematological condition that he has been carrying for a long time: chronic myelomonocytic leukemia.”

Chronic myeloid leukemia is a form of blood cancer that can appear especially in people over 60 years of age and the doctors then specified that he was undergoing “specialized cytoreductive treatment” and chemotherapy.

Over the years, Berlusconi had been hospitalized on several occasions: on one of them a pacemaker was implanted, while he was also admitted for covid-19 and on one of the most recent, in January 2022, he was admitted for a urinary infection.


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